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KU Suicide Prevention Project

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1 KU Suicide Prevention Project
University of Kansas Student Affairs Professional Development Presentation

2 KU Suicide Prevention Project
2016 KU awarded the Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) Campus Suicide Prevention Grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT GRANT. Only for schools that have never has a SAMHSA GLS Grant. 3 years to develop an embedded, enduring, sustainable suicide prevention effort on campus. Grant Coordinator position created at CAPS.

3 Listening saves lives Conversations are the start of help

4 Goals and objectives ASSESSMENT Collect data
Environmental Analysis – campus snapshot National Collegiate Health Assessment (NCHA) Healthy Minds Survey Create Advisory Council – multidisciplinary; linking institution with broader community resources Review current policies and procedures Establish uniform data collection system TRAINING – 12/195 Target at-risk priority groups Students, student leaders, faculty, staff PROMOTION OF NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE (NSPL) Suicide Prevention CAMPAIGN DEVELOPMENT – What are the biggest barriers to seeking help? What do students want and need and how do they want to access it?

5 “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”
- Carl Rogers People want to be heard. We are talking about potentially uncomfortable conversations; most people will feel challenged to tolerate the awkwardness

6 Suicide prevention You are the Gatekeeper to help

7 Mental Health on KU’s Campus
National Collegiate Health Assessment KU, May 2015 44% of students felt things were hopeless 88% felt overwhelmed 60% felt overwhelming anxiety 57% felt very lonely 63% felt very sad 9.2% had seriously considered suicide 48% wanted to receive information from KU about suicide prevention Call back to the survey we did at the beginning National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ; Headquarters Counseling Center

8 National Collegiate Health Assessment KU, May 2017
11.5% students seriously contemplated suicide 2,863 1% attempted suicide 275 275 is equal to about Half of Woodruff Actual suicides on campus average 2 a year for the last dozen years.

12.5% of respondents had serious thoughts of attempting suicide in the last year.

10 Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors
Thoughts of suicide are common. Suicide is not. Most people who experience suicidal ideation do not die by suicide. 93% of people who attempt suicide do not end up dying by suicide. The range of suicidal ideation varies greatly from just contemplating it as a solution to a problem to detailed planning, role playing, self harm and attempts, which may be deliberately constructed to be discovered or where death is fully intended.

11 Almost always, it’s not about death – it’s about ending emotional pain
This is important! Suicidal people are not “crazy” – more typically they suffer from a great deal of emotional pain, caused in part by depression, other mental health issues, or multiple situational factors. Almost always, it’s not about death – it’s about ending emotional pain PAIN National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ; Headquarters Counseling Center

12 Your ROLE in the safety Net
SEE SOMETHING? You may be the first person to SEE SOMETHING distressing in a student since you have frequent, prolonged contact with them. SAY SOMETHING. Trust your instincts and SAY SOMETHING if a student leaves you feeling worried, alarmed or threatened. DO SOMETHING! Your expression of concern may be a critical factor in saving someone's academic career and even their life.

13 See something? People thinking about suicide give some warning signs: indirectly or directly.

14 Indirect Warning signs
Take note when you see these in yourself or another: Significant changes in behavior Appetite, sleep, concentration, hygiene Increasing use of alcohol, drugs, or other risky behavior Extreme mood swings, increasingly anxious or agitated Withdrawal, isolation Experience of loss – relationship, self-esteem, sense of belonging Negative thoughts – “This will never end,” “I’m trapped” Long lasting painful feelings – shame, despair, anger, sadness, rejection

15 Direct Warning Signs: Verbal Signs
“I just don’t want to feel anymore.” “I hate my life.” “I can’t take it anymore.” “There’s no way out of this.” “My family would be better off without me.” “Nobody needs me.” Presenter asks, “What have you heard people say?”

16 Direct Warning Signs: Imminent Warning Signs
Talks or writes about suicide Has a plan or is searching for a method Expressing hopelessness about the future Making preparation Giving away of treasured belongings Sorting out care of pets or loved ones Writes suicide note Preparatory behaviors are just as predictive of a suicide attempt as risk factors like previous suicide attempts

17 Say something How do I start this conversation?!
Make it private and confidential Start with the observations that have you concerned “I’ve noticed you haven’t gotten out of your pajamas for several days.” Tell the person that you are concerned and you care. “I’m worried about you and want to help if I can.” Open-ended questions, like “What’s going on?” can encourage talking. Encourage the person to talk about their feelings, symptoms and what’s going on in their mind. Listen for warning signs of suicide. “Are you thinking about suicide?” Ask directly – don’t minimize what they’re telling you You will not be putting the idea into their head; you will be making a safe space for them to address it if they are Do not leave the person alone Never keep a secret about suicide

18 Loss and pain Listen for experiences of LOSS Loss of love
Loss of confidence, loss of status, loss of face Loss of youth, innocence Loss of happiness Loss of faith, trust Loss of place, comfort, security, safety Listen for PAIN as reaction to LOSS Expressing pain Causing pain Acting out Avoiding pain

19 What does your gut have to say about that?
“I’m fine” What does your gut have to say about that? Threats about suicide must always be taken seriously Even if threats are vague or ambiguous or aimed at a future event or time, they should be taken seriously. When a person's life is at danger, safety takes priority over privacy. Convey to the person that their safety is of the utmost concern and you want to make sure you are providing all the assistance you can, which includes reaching out for help.

20 “Are you thinking about suicide?”
ASK THE QUESTION If you hear warning signs or even just feel like things aren’t safe, ASK the question. “Are you thinking about suicide?” Ask directly – don’t minimize what they’re telling you. You will not be putting the idea into their head; you will be making a safe space for them to address it if they are Do not leave the person alone Never keep a secret about suicide

21 Do something So the answer was YES, but IS IT AN EMERGENCY?
ASK these questions to assess the seriousness of the situation: Do you want to end your life? Do you have a plan? Do you have the means? Have you made any preparations for killing yourself? Have you ever attempted in the past? IF person has a PLAN and ACCESS TO LETHAL MEANS, is planning to make an attempt very soon or is currently in the process of making an attempt, this student is in imminent danger and should not be left alone. Get help immediately via 911. A higher level of planning indicates a more serious risk. Has the person been using alcohol or other substances? Risk increases Has the person made previous attempts? If yes, more danger.

22 If the answer is “NO” and you believe it
Now is the time to listen, really listen Be non-judgmental – it’s their story, not yours. Don’t argue with them about what they’re experiencing and feeling. Be OK with silences - Is the situation awkward or is it just awkward for you? Be reassuring and positive -“I care and will help.” Reflect what they share and let them know they have been heard. Direct them to the lifeline or another mental health professional – see Crisis Counseling Resource Sheet. Ask if they’d like you to check back in later. Refer to your in-house protocol for next steps. This is THEIR story Be OK with silences Respect. Patience. Kindness.

23 Resources Review Resource Handout

24 Questions “What will you do with the information that you got today?”
“Were there areas of information or scenarios that you envision in your work that we weren’t able to cover in the time allotted today?”

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