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Suicide Awareness Overview October 5, 2016 Lebanon Road Elementary Ms

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1 Suicide Awareness Overview October 5, 2016 Lebanon Road Elementary Ms
Suicide Awareness Overview October 5, 2016 Lebanon Road Elementary Ms. Patel Mrs. Fedrick Ms. Meitlzer

Please watch if you would like, it’s a short 3 minute video about suicide. The second link is a webpage about suicide resources which talks about warning signs and tips for suicide prevention.


4 Why Have Youth Suicide Rates Increased in Recent Years?
Easier access to means for suicide Firearms Medication and chemical access Hanging materials Greater utilization of available resources Internet (how-to) Greater pressures (family, academic, peer) Exposure to more violence (TV, games, internet) Depression and untreated mental health issues on the rise Lack of coping skills and social-emotional learning

5 Myths and Facts Myth or Fact? Asking a student about suicide will cause him or her to consider suicide. Fact: If a student is thinking about suicide, being able to talk about the thoughts may provide a sense of being understood. Fact: Asking a student about suicide will not cause him/her to consider suicide.

6 Warning Signs in Youth Talking about or making plans for suicide
Expressing hopelessness about the future Displaying severe/overwhelming emotional pain or distress

7 Warning Signs in Youth Showing worrisome behavioral cues or marked changes in behavior, particularly in the presence of the warning signs previously mentioned. Specifically, this includes significant: Withdrawal from or change in social connections/situations Changes in sleep (increased or decreased) Anger or hostility that seems out of character or out of context Recent increased agitation or irritability

8 What to look for: Suicidal Ideation
Verbal cues like: “I’m going to kill myself” “I’m worthless” “Nothing matters” “It’s no use, I won’t be around much longer” Saying goodbye to family and friends Giving away prized possessions Writing, drawing, joking about suicide or death Having a plan for suicide Cutting or other self-harming behavior

9 Physical Signs Changes in eating and sleeping habits
Use or abuse of alcohol or drugs Unusual neglect of personal hygiene Extreme fatigue Frequent physical complaints, (headaches, stomachaches, fatigue etc.) Repeated car accidents

10 Emotional/ Behavioral Signs
Increased irritability, anger, moodiness or aggressiveness/ defiance Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, boredom Feelings of overwhelming guilt and shame Changes in school related activities  academics and extracurricular Marked personality or behavioral changes

11 CMS Suicide Protocol Overview
DO NOT leave the student alone! Please find your grade level counselor (Ms. Patel or Ms. Meitzler) or our School Psychologist Mrs. Fedrick - all are Mandated Assessors. DO NOT send student home prior to conducting a suicide assessment, even if it happens at dismissal. Immediately inform an administrator when you can’t get hold of a mandated assessor. Please don’t wait!!! Once an assessment has been completed, the mandated assessor will inform the teachers and any necessary staff that the student interacts with on a need a to know basis. Due to confidentiality of the student and the sensitive nature of this, we cannot disclose full details of the assessment. We will let you know what is necessary about the situation.

12 Tips of Our School The most important thing you can do is let a mandated assessor know and then follow through with any additional things we ask of you (i.e. a safety plan, assisting with monitoring the student, etc.) Please report immediately. Do not wait until the end of the day. If you know about the student’s situation because you know the family outside of school, please keep that information to yourself and let us inform the teachers if an assessment had to be completed. This is to ensure we are doing everything on our part to follow all CMS PROTCOLS & PROCEDURES. Make sure to keep any information we share with you or give you for your records (NOT to be placed in the CUM FOLDER) & KEEP IT CONFIDENTIAL! Thanks! Please don’t be afraid or hesitant to report any student who is expressing suicidal thoughts/ideations, and yes it counts - even if they are joking. All you have to do is report. We’ll take care of the rest. You’ll help save a life! Please sign the sheet today to acknowledge that you understand your role in suicide prevention, will take it seriously, and will follow through to help keep a child safe. This is holding YOU accountable for assisting to keep the students safe.

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