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Socratic Seminars.

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1 Socratic Seminars

2 What is a Socratic Seminar?
A Socratic seminar is a way of teaching founded by the Greek philosopher Socrates. Socrates believed that: students learn best by asking questions. It is the teacher’s job to moderate the discussion instead of leading the discussion.

3 Why do we have Socratic Seminars
Socratic Seminars help us engage a text in class. The thought process is when we work together to understand a text it will help everyone’s understanding.

4 How do we prepare for a Socratic Seminar?
The days prior to the seminar you will be given a Socratic Seminar prep sheet. It is essential you read the text and prepare yourself with important questions and quotations.

5 What type of questions should I ask during the seminar?
There are four levels of questions (comprehension, application, synthesis, and evaluation). You should come up with a minimum of 3 questions per level.

6 Level 1 (Comprehension Questions):
Comprehension means being able to show understanding by talking, writing, signing, drawing. Please use the following stems in creating your Knowledge Questions: Can you state, in your own words? Can you describe? Can you defend your position? Can you summarize the information? Can you distinguish between…?

7 Level II (Application Questions):
Application means supporting your ideas with evidence. Please use the following stems in creating your Application Questions: Explain how … Explain why … Interpret the reasons … Compare and contrast … Connect and explain … Do you know another instance where?

8 Level III (Synthesis Questions):
Synthesis means combining or connecting two different elements. In terms of the Socratic Seminar you will be connecting two texts with each other OR connecting a text to the outside world.

9 Level III (Synthesis Questions) Continued
Please use the following stems in creating your Synthesis Questions: Imagine … What would happen if …? Hypothesize … Theorize … Speculate… How is Text similar to Outside World?

10 Level III (Evaluative)
Questions that make judgments. Is there a better solution to… Can you defend your position about… How effective are… How would you have handled…

11 What will the seminar look like?
The classroom will be arranged in a two concentric circles. You will be assigned to either seminar A or seminar B. You will be assigned a partner in the opposite seminar. FOR EXAMPLE: If I am in seminar A my partner will be in seminar B Ms. Connell will be facilitating, but NOT participating in the seminar.

12 How does the discussion work in a seminar?
The seminar is to serve as a discussion, not a lecture. Just like in a casual conversation, no one begins the conversation, a conversation begins naturally.

13 Seminar Guidelines Please listen and look at each other when you speak. Don’t raise hands One person speaks at a time. Each person will have a chance to ask a question. Respond to the person who asks the question. Use evidence from the text to support yourself. Always treat each other with mutual respect.

14 How will I be assessed on the seminar?
By completing the seminar prep sheet. (30 pts). By contributing to the conversation following these guidelines: - Ask a question. Respond to a question. Cite evidence from the text.

15 Please think on your feet

16 Texts Seminar A – “The Tell Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe Seminar B – “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe

17 Useful Verbs for Question Starters
Comprehension Explain Interpret Outline Discuss Distinguish Predict Restate Translate Compare Describe

18 Application Questions
Solve Show Use Illustrate Construct Complete Examine Classify

19 Synthesis Create Invent Compose Predict Plan Construct Design Imagine
Propose Devise Formulate

20 Evaluation Judge Select Choose Decide Justify Debate Verify Argue
Recommend Assess Discuss Prioritize Determine

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