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Starter to accompany the unit at:

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1 Starter to accompany the unit at:
“What’s our new topic?” Starter to accompany the unit at:

2 What is this country?

3 What is going on here?

4 What can you deduce about this man?

5 Who are these people? What are they doing?

6 What can you deduce about this man?

7 The Presidential palace of Chile was bombed by the armed forces on September 11th 1973
President Allende emerged from the palace. A military junta took control of the country General Pinochet emerged as the dictator

8 Task Based on the four pictures you have seen, construct a list of questions you now want to investigate further about this event. Compare your ideas with a partner, then the class, and try to categorise them and reduce them down to the most important.

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