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Organic Foods.

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Presentation on theme: "Organic Foods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organic Foods

2 Organic foods are produced without use of synthetic fertilizer, pesticides or growth hormones.

3 What does this mean?

4 Human feces Pesticides Growth Hormones May be used in growing and harvesting of the foods were eat daily.

5 Organic meats and poultry must come from animals raised without the use of antibiotics and growth hormones.

6 Organic Foods need the USDA seal. USDA sets standards for Organic foods.

7 Organic food is more expensive
Organic food is more expensive. Many people are more willing to pay higher prices for this food because it may be considered healthier. Organic foods have not been proven to be safer than regular foods.

8 Land used for organic foods must be free of pesticides for at least 3 years.
Animals are given access to outdoor grazing areas. ` Commercial Chicken Coop Organic Chicken Coop

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