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Girls: 25 (2 Surveys received after graphs made)

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Presentation on theme: "Girls: 25 (2 Surveys received after graphs made)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Girls: 25 (2 Surveys received after graphs made)
Survey Results Total Surveyed: 39 Boys: 14 Girls: 25 (2 Surveys received after graphs made) Shelly Harris, MWS Sports Leader

2 Strands of PESSYP

3 What have you done/are doing in WHSSP?

4 What effect has the partnership had on you personally?

5 What qualifications have you gained so far through the SSP?

6 What effect has being a sports leader had on you?

7 What do you think about OUR school sport partnership?

8 What do you think the loss of OUR partnership will have locally?

9 How many activities offered?

10 Years Worked With?

11 Have you ever attended a club provided by WHSSP?

12 If yes, what club?

13 Do you currently attend a club provided by WHSSP?

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