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Progress report: Integration of statistical and geospatial information

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1 Progress report: Integration of statistical and geospatial information
Regional statistics working group 18 October 2016 Ekkehard PETRI, Eurostat/GISCO

2 Overview GEOSTAT 2 Geocoding the 2021 census
UN-GGIM and Sustainable Development Goals

3 GEOSTAT 2 project Development of a point based spatial reference framework for statistics (GEOSTAT 2), led by SE, partners AT, FI, FR, NO, PL, PT Spatial reference framework for statistics based on geocoded building-, address-, and dwelling registers; Recommendations and guidelines for national implementation and cross-border harmonisation; Proposal for integrating geospatial information management into the GSBPM; Final report due in December 2016; EFGS conference in Paris Nov ;

4 Geospatial statistics at
GEOSTAT 2 project Geography database Geographies Population Labour market Education Income Vehicles Real estate assessment Work places Adresses Geospatial statistics at any spatial unit! Real property Address

5 GEOSTAT 2 - GSBPM and geospatial data

6 Geocoding the 2021 census 1km² population grids as regular output of the census; MS in favour of a legal basis; Proposal for 13 breakdowns: Total population Sex (males, females) Age (under 15, 15-64, 65 and over) Employed persons Place of Birth (in the reporting country, in another EU country, outside EU) Usual residence 12 months before (unchanged, within reporting country, outside of the reporting country)

7 UN-GGIM ECOSOC resolution on UN-GGIM adopted in July > mandate to continue work; Integration of statistics and geospatial information remains a priority - two main pillars: Census 2021 SDG monitoring

8 Global Statistical Geospatial Framework SGF
Approved by UN-GGIM; Methodological-technical framework for statistical-geospatial data integration and interoperability; Composed of 5 high level principles, to be developed and refined in the coming years; Within the ESS: integration with GSBPM, CSPA, INSPIRE, SDMX;

9 Development of an ESS-Statistical-Geospatial-Framework ESS-SGF
Part of the GEOSTAT 3 grant work program; Extension of GEOSTAT 2 work; Development of an ESS version of the SGF and implementing guidelines; Testing the ESS-SGF on SDG monitoring and Census 2021; From 2017 until 2018;

10 UN-GGIM: Europe New work plan adopted until 2018 extending the current work plan; First NSI manager elected into the Executive Committee (Janusz Dygaszewicz from PL);

11 UN-GGIM: Europe - working group on core data

12 UN-GGIM: Europe – working group on data integration
Report on priority user needs approved by UN-GGIM: Europe; Report on methods under final review; Report on managing side effects under final review; Working group has received new mandate to work on geospatial information for SDG monitoring, expected to start ~ February 2017;


14 Integration of statistical and geospatial information for SDG monitoring

15 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
"Water scarcity, poor water quality and inadequate sanitation negatively impact food security, livelihood choices and educational opportunities for poor families across the world. … By 2050, at least one in four people is likely to live in a country affected by chronic or recurring shortages of fresh water." Source: UN

16 indicator needs geospatial data for measurement
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all Target 6.6: By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes Proposed indicator 6.6.1: „Change in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time“ indicator needs geospatial data for measurement According to UNEP: wetlands (swamps, marshes and peats), inland open water (rivers, lakes and reservoirs), and groundwater aquifers. How can geospatial data support the analysis for the measurement? Identify catchment areas, lakes, rivers, basins, and water bodies Identify trans-boundary water resources Identify proximity to urban settlements Monitor the changes in the regions

17 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes more than 20 global and regional data sets exist already…

18 Conclusion Integration of statistical and geospatial information increasingly in the mainstream of official statistics; Methodological work (GSBPM, SGF); Census 2021 as the first operational example; SDG monitoring emerging topic with many opportunities; Important element in other areas of innovation (Big Data, Linked Open Data, Visualisation);

19 More information GISCO website EFGS website EFGS 2016 conference website UN-GGIM: Europe website Link to Statistical Geospatial Framework Link to UN-GGIM: Europe working group core data: and data integration:

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