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Jason Neih and Monica.S.Lam

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Presentation on theme: "Jason Neih and Monica.S.Lam"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Design , Implementation and Evaluation OF SMART : A Scheduler For Multimedia Applications
Jason Neih and Monica.S.Lam Computer Science Laboratory, Stanford University Sun Microsystems Laboratory Presented by : Minal Dharod

2 AGENDA Introduction : Research Problem
Key Ideas, Design and Implementation Evaluation : Experimental Results Conclusion Remarks

3 Why another Scheduling Algo??
Multimedia applications problems Jitter, lip synchronization Support: Hardware: Special Instructions Software support does not catch up…. RT schedulers :show unacceptable behavior system lock up User loses control

4 Needs of Real Time Tasks
Soft Real Time constraints Meeting deadlines is important Insatiable resource demand leading to Frequent overload Movie playback at full resolution Dynamically Adaptive Applications Degrade QoS but meet deadlines Co-existence Fair allocation to RT and non- RT User Preferences to be considered Varying load Varying importance Teleconference Vs Television show

5 About SMART Problem of applications developers
Can specify service time, deadlines, degrading QoS, ask for timing information Cannot tell system to meet deadline What SMART does….provides USER INTERFACE request notification for a deadline miss Provides upcalls called notifications to user for responsive action Gives user control over assigning priorities to tasks.

6 What is smart about SMART?
Takes two decisions : Importance based on priority Urgency based when a task needs to be executed Value Tuple having Priority and Biased Virtual Finish Time (BVFT) Next

7 Priority and BVFT Priority :
It’s a static quantity either supplied by the user or assigned a default value. Biased Virtual Finishing Time : Dynamic quantity the system uses to measure the degree to which each task has been allocated its proportional share of resources Assigned a bias value Back Next

8 Terms and Their Meaning
Virtual Time : Advances at a rate proportional to the amount of processing time it consumes divided by its share Virtual Finishing Time : Degree to which the task has been allocated its share of resources. Queue Virtual Time: Advances only if the task in queue is executing

9 Terms and Their Meaning
Earliest Deadline First Scheduling Algorithm : A strategy for CPU or disk access scheduling. With EDF, the task with the earliest deadline is always executed first. Best Effort Scheduling Algorithm : Defines an order for the tasks in the working set in a way that if the tasks are executed in that order they would meet the deadlines. Back

10 SMART’s Algorithm If the task with highest value tuple is conventional task , schedule task Else create candidate set of all real time tasks with higher value tuple than highest valued tuple conventional task Apply best effort real time scheduling algorithm Find task with earliest deadline whose execution does not cause any tasks with higher value tuples to miss deadlines.

11 SMART’s Algorithm Consider eash candidate starting with one with highest tuple Schedule the candidate into the working set which is initially empty. Candidate is inserted in deadline order provided its execution does not cause any task to miss its deadline. If a task cannot complete before the deadline send a notification to inform application that deadline cannot be met.

12 More on BVFT Task creation : Completing Quantum :
virtual time same as queue virtual time BVFT is the queue virtual time + quantum assigned divided by the Share of the task. Completing Quantum : When a task finishes it is assigned a new quantum. BVFT value is updated as : last BVFT + quantum assigned divided by the Share of the task.+ increased bias b divided by Share of task.

13 More on BVFT Conventional tasks have bias RT have zero bias BVFT
does not change allocation of resources Affects instantaneous allocation of resources Analogy to multi-level feedback scheduling algorithm

14 SMART – The Solution Provider!!!
Real Time Scheduling Resource reservation and no admission control SMART uses best effort scheduling Optimal performance in underload Can meet deadlines in overload Fair Scheduling Allocates resources in proportion to tasks Performs poorly for RT : misses dealines in underload Misses all deadlines in overload SMART allows proportional sharing based on user desired allocations Hierarchical Scheduling All RT tasks have higer priority Conventional Tasks have lower priority SMART dynamically integrates both to ensure all important tasks get resources.

15 Experimental Results 2 sets of experiments :
Compare SMART to existing SVR4-RT and SVR4-TS , WFQ scheduling policies. Test SMART capabilities : Provide user predictable resource allocation controls Adapt to dynamic workload changes Deliver expected behavior for system not overloaded

16 Experimental Results(Contd)
Batch processing Dhrystone benchmark Quality measure is throughput Interactive Processing Typing- Emulation of user typing to text editor Quality measure is response time Real-Time Computations Integrated Media Streams Player News – Displays audio and video streams from local storage Entertain – Processes video from local storage Quality measure is no of deadlines met.



19 Highlights No need to write dynamic adaptive real time applications
Ability to co-operate with applications in managing resource to meet dynamic time constraints Resource sharing Gives freedom to users and take care of user preferences

20 Highlights ( Contd) Differentiates between importance and urgency of real-time and conventional applications Integrates priority for importance Then urgency to optimize order for task service based on earliest-deadline first scheduling.

21 Remarks The design is pretty simple but rich in its implementation result!!!!

22 Questions / Comments

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