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Drosophila melanogaster

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1 Drosophila melanogaster

2 1-2 days 4 days 1-2 days First instar 1-2 days 1-2 days Third instar Second instar 1-2 days

3 pupae Small, oval, two filaments at one end,
laid on the surface of the food Instar/larvae Worm-like, eats constantly, burrows in food, black mouth parts, sheds skin twice as it grows. egg Larva climbs up side of tube to pupate, Outer covering harder and darker, you can see eyes, legs, wings…the darker they get the closer they are to hatching. pupae

4 Adult Emerge from case, fragile, light in color,
the lighter the newest hatched, wings folded at first, darkens in a few hours, live about 5-6 weeks. Females can mate after emerging from case in 10-12 hours. She can store sperm in receptacles every mating for her entire lifespan, eggs are fertilized as they are laid. Adult

5 Male Female Sex combs *concentrated dark banding
with a solid tip on abdomen *smaller *Larger *striped abdomen *broader abdomen



8 Four chromosomes : 3 Autosomal
and one sex chromosome


10 Mating Behavior


12 A Female laying an egg

13 Wild type (+)

14 Red round eye Normal long wing antenae Tan body hair

15 Vestigal wing (can’t fly)

16 There are many mutations

17 Caring for Fruit flies

18 Supplies needed Special tubes Yeast to feed adults Petri dish Paint brushes

19 Paint brush to move flies
Label tubes Tube with food -one scoop food To equal water (potato and banana meal) Sponge cork

20 Sponge cork to keep flies
In and still exchange gasses Formula blue food: blue dye to see white larva easier, larva eat and tunnel in it Yeast sprinkled on food for the adults

21 Anesthetic to put flies to sleep in order to view and record traits.
*the pipe cleaner “wand” in to the flynap and insert in a sponge to hang in the flynap tube. *flies to be “napped” need to be transferred to a dry tube without food before “napping”. *smells interesting, will not put you to sleep!

22 Putting flies to sleep

23 Putting the “sleeping” flies on a clean dry dish

24 “sleeping” flies in the dish to view

25 Separating flies gently with a paintbrush

26 Viewing flies with a stereoscope

27 You must use a stereoscope to determine sex of the flies

28 Female Male

29 Be sure to label all tubes

30 Fly trap: jar/beaker with paper funnel and vinegar
attracts escapees.

31 Alcohol rubbing Fly jar: to place flies no longer needed *please bring a jar- one per group


33 What will you be doing? *Testing one variable on gender development *investigating your topic: background research *Designing a procedure to test your hypothesis *determining sex of fruit flies and collecting data, analyzing data, writing a result and conclusion *designing a display board of your project

34 Problem Does ____________affect gender
development in Drosophila melanogster? *Temperature *Acidity *Amount of light

35 Hypothesis *after a little research, make an educated guess
to your problem statement. If _______________, then ____________.

36 Designing an Experiment
Control Variable Constants Sample size Bias free 6. Data

37 Today *Investigate the flies with a stereoscope.
*try to separate flies into male and female, move them gently with the paint brush

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