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Gerard van Amerongen vAConsult

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Presentation on theme: "Gerard van Amerongen vAConsult"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gerard van Amerongen vAConsult
Liaison CEN TC312 TC 228 and TC371 Gerard van Amerongen vAConsult

2 Introduction TC 228 Heating systems and water based cooling systems in buildings WG1: General performance requirements of heating systems and sub-systems in buildings WG4: Calculation methods and system performance an evaluation WG5: Hydraulic Surface Heating and Cooling Systems TC371 Energy performance of buildings project group WG1: EPBD Standards group

3 TC 228 / WG4 -Activities - Aftermath of formal vote on revised EPBD standards Harmonization issue on EN (SOLCAL) TC 228 accepted the mandate (2015), the annexes are included, but no activities from the commission Validation SolTherm software presented Combi of EN ,3 (solar thermal) and EN (tank) Options for revision of EN discussed TC228 WG4 is open for a request from solar thermal New working items: New standard for heat recovery domestic hot water systems Should be realistic (no ‘theoretical’ performance) No CEN product standard. Start here: TC110 & TC59 Ambition: Coordination EPBD and ErP Lack of funding and time

4 TC371 - Activities - EPBD coordination is finalized New working items:
Some remaining issues regarding transfers to ISO New working items: Primary energy factors List different options to define PEF and CO2 emission factors in EN/ISO

5 For your attention

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