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IB Report Cards are Coming!. Did you know? There are now two kinds of report cards at JL Long, IB and Dallas ISD. An IB Report card will be given to you.

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Presentation on theme: "IB Report Cards are Coming!. Did you know? There are now two kinds of report cards at JL Long, IB and Dallas ISD. An IB Report card will be given to you."— Presentation transcript:

1 IB Report Cards are Coming!

2 Did you know? There are now two kinds of report cards at JL Long, IB and Dallas ISD. An IB Report card will be given to you twice a year: January and June.

3 How you are measured on your IB scores: Your IB score is like a growth chart. It is a tool to measure your progress against the IB objectives. It is not intended to compare you to other students. When a teacher assigns your achievement level, the teacher will report on the highest, most frequent level of achievement, not an average of achievement scores. So your big question is: How much did I grow?

4 IB Report card will show how you are growing in 3 areas: 1. IB Objectives in all 8 classes, 2. Learner Profile traits, and 3. Approaches to Learning.

5 What will my IB score look like? These numbers dont equal a regular percentage. So a 4 of 8 on the IB report is not failing… It is still good or satisfactory look at the descriptor words that go along with it. GradeGeneral Grade descriptors 1 Minimal achievement in terms of the objectives. 2 Very limited achievement against all the objectives. The student has difficulty in understanding the knowledge and skills, and is unable to apply them fully in normal situations, even with support. 3 Limited achievement against most of the objectives, or clear difficulties in some areas. The student demonstrates a limited understanding of the required knowledge and skills and is only able to apply them fully in normal situations with support. 4 A good general understanding of the objectives, and the ability to apply them effectively in normal situations. 5 A consistent and thorough understanding of the objectives, and the ability to apply them in a variety of situations. The student generally shows evidence of analysis where appropriate and occasionally demonstrates originality and insight. 6 A consistent and thorough understanding of the objectives, and the ability to apply them in a wide variety of situations. Consistent evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation is shown where appropriate. The student generally demonstrates originality and insight. 7 A consistent and thorough understanding of the objectives, and the ability to apply them almost faultlessly in a wide variety of situations. The student consistently demonstrates originality and insight and always produces work of high quality.

6 Learner Profile Traits Turn to a neighbor and answer these two questions: Which one are you strongest in? Which one do you need to grow in? Your IB Report Card will show which traits your teachers believe you have grown in.

7 Your Approaches to Learning (ATLs) Score There are 7 ATLs. One ATL that we are focusing on this year is ORGANIZATION ATL6 th 7 th and 8 th Graders7 th and 8 th Graders8 th Graders 1.Organization Students are expected to…. Manage Time Be punctual to school and class Organize time to meet goals and deadlines Record accurately daily homework and assignments in notebook Complete homework on time Finish and hand in assignments on due dates Use notebooks in an accurate and neat manner Record accurately daily homework and assignments in notebook Keep organized notebooks Plan a weekly schedule for homework, extra-curricular activities, leisure. Estimate time needed for each task Discuss time management problems with teachers Manage self Stay on task in lessons Not be a distraction to others Use task/assignment sheets, criteria and rubrics to guide study and work Follow instructions Take part in class discussions and activities Ask questions and seek clarification Bring correct resources & equipment to class Set targets Work independently Organize materials (locker, binders, workbooks, planner) Identify study priorities Question, support and challenge ideas Revise work Anticipate resources materials needed for assignments and projects

8 What to expect: You will be receiving an IB score for all 8 subject areas

9 What does it mean? My IB score indicates a final grade reported on a scale of 1 to 7. Comments on my growth are reported from each of my teachers. I will be graded on how I manage myself and my time. I will be graded on how Im growing as an IB student. My scores are cumulative, meaning that teachcers continue to report your growth as it increases throughout the year.

10 What happens next? Students will be given a DISD email. Parents and students will be given an invitation email from Managebac. Ms. Renaud has most of your parent emails. If your parents do not use email please let your Buc Time Teacher know.

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