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Fan-Filter Testing - The Results Are In

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1 Fan-Filter Testing - The Results Are In
Conserving Natural Resource Use in Buildings Fan-Filter Testing - The Results Are In William Tschudi – Tengfang Xu – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ASHRAE Annual Meeting Long Beach, California

2 Overview Background leading to testing fan-filter units
Description of test configuration Illustrative results Use of the procedure Possible next steps

3 Background Previous cleanroom benchmarking illustrated a large variation in air recirculation efficiency Systems with fan-filter units typically were found to be less efficient

4 Benchmarked Recirculation System Efficiencies

5 Background, con’t In 2000, a Taiwanese Research Institute evaluated fan-filter units – a wide range of performance was noted

6 Background, con’t We then began developing a standard test procedure for fan-filter units to help get “apples-to-apples” comparisons The procedure is now available on our website. It was used in the evaluation of 17 2’x4’ fan-filter units to “test” the procedure and obtain performance information

7 Test Configuration Layout in test lab 2 2

8 Configuration was dictated by space available

9 Flow meter An Accurate, Calibrated Flow Nozzle Determined Air Flow

10 Flow measurement: Accuracy of a flow meter (Nozzle) compared to a flow hood was studied Discrepancies were observed across units between the two methods Flow meter gives consistent, accurate results

11 Pressure Tap (Pitot Tube)
Pressures were determined at various places throughout the system

12 Electric Power Monitoring Equip.
Available From Utility Tool Lending Library

13 Testing Considerations
Air flow rate measurements Pressure measurements Power Device calibration and uncertainties Integrity of the testing system, e.g. leakage Size of testing rig Additional parameters, e.g., space/material cost Ambient conditions

14 Sample Operating conditions
Unit with AC motor tested within its operating range

15 Operating conditions, cont.
Unit with ECM motor tested within its operating range

16 Airflow cfm Total electric power demand of the fan filter unit under selected operable conditions: 20 Pa ≤ Dp ≤ 150 Pa, Q ≥ 9.9 m3/min (or 0.08 iwc ≤ Dp ≤ 0.6 iwc, Q ≥ 350 scfm)

17 Total Pressure Efficiency
For FFUs with a multi-speed-drive, the total electric power demand may be calculated as: Dp is the pressure differential across the fan filter unit Q is the airflow rate across the unit under standard atmospheric condition. Ci,j (i, j = 0, 1, 2) is a coefficient developed from experimental data through polynomial regressions.

18 FFU power efficiency FFU power efficiency (Et) is defined as the airflow dynamic power divided by the total electric power input to the FFU unit. The FFU power efficiency includes electrical and mechanical efficiency of the FFU unit taking into account fan motors, fan design, housing, etc. Pt = FFU pressure rise (Pa) Q = air flow rate (m3/s) W = electric power input to FFU (W) Et = Pt Q / W

19 FFU Total Pressure Efficiency

20 Airflow cfm Total pressure efficiency of the fan filter unit under selected operable conditions: 20 Pa ≤ Dp ≤ 150 Pa, Q ≥ 9.9 m3/min (or 0.08 iwc ≤ Dp ≤ 0.6 iwc, Q ≥ 350 scfm)

21 Airflow cfm Total pressure efficiency of the fan filter unit under selected operable conditions: 20 Pa ≤ Dp ≤ 150 Pa, Q ≥ 9.9 m3/min (or 0.08 iwc ≤ Dp ≤ 0.6 iwc, Q ≥ 350 scfm)

22 Efficiency Comparisons
Variations in electric power and efficiency More than a factor of 10 difference for the same unit across different operating conditions Different units varied by 3 to 4 times for the same operating condition Variation patterns not obvious

23 Efficiency in the Range of Interest

24 Variation of FFU Efficiency
Xu, T (9). Cleanrooms Magazine. Standard Development and Laboratory Testing of Fan Filter Units

25 Efficiency Comparisons
ECM motors tended to be more efficient however overall unit design influences efficiency Simple metrics not sufficient – depends upon pressure and flow

26 How to Identify Efficient FFUs
Implement Standard Lab Testing Standard test protocols to fully characterize performance Standard reporting Determine expected range of operating conditions Review test results in range of expected operation Select unit considering energy performance along with other desired features

27 Incentive Criteria Development
Relative performance ranking system quantify the observed difference identify rebate-criteria. Relative ranking scores examine the robustness of the suggested initial rebate criteria. Once an incentive criteria is set, units that exceed that threshold can be selected

28 Recommended Practice IEST RP CC036.1 – Testing Fan Filter Units
Working draft of RP036.1 is being developed Interested parties are encouraged to participate

29 Recommendations Owners/designers - define requirements for
Air recirculation Air change rate Air flow rate Cleanliness Uniform air flow System design Pressure conditions

30 Recommendations Procurement of fan-filter units Define range of operating conditions Require testing in accordance with standard test procedure Evaluate performance in the range of interest Select based upon efficiency or perform life cycle cost analysis

31 Use of the standard test procedure
A major semiconductor manufacturer adopted standard, built a test rig, and required bidders to provide units for testing as part of the procurement process An Asian company required FFU manufacturers to provide test results during the procurement process A semiconductor manufacturer investigated replacing aged FFUs with more efficient units as determined by the test procedure

32 Reaction to the standard test procedure
Manufacturers are eager to know the performance of their units - product improvement is expected Recommended Practice (RP) CC036.1 is planning on adopting the procedure A major utility is considering adding fan-filter units to their incentive program

33 Possible next steps Recommended practice issued for use
Optimize test rig (size) Testing of 4’x4’ units Utility incentive programs

34 Questions??

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