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Radioactive equations

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1 Radioactive equations
November 13, 2017 Radioactive equations Nuclear Chemistry Learning Target: I CAN write radioactive equations to determine products and type of decay using Tables N and O

2 November 13, 2017 Do Now (4 min) Learning target: I CAN write radioactive equations to determine products and type of decay using tables N and O Answer on your Do Now Sheet: What type of decay does carbon-14 go through? What is the nuclear symbol for the type of decay? Learning Target: I CAN write radioactive equations to determine products and type of decay using Tables N and O

3 announcements November 13, 2017 Lab 6 – tomorrow, Tuesday
Dress appropriately for lab Homework – complete nuclear decay worksheet – due Tuesday Test corrections (periodic trends) – Due next Monday Must follow test protocol (on weebly) No partial credit Return tests Afterschool tutoring: every Wednesday 3 – 4 PM Learning Target: I CAN write radioactive equations to determine products and type of decay using Tables N and O

4 Nuclear Decay Worksheet
November 13, 2017 Nuclear Decay Worksheet Read the top of the page silently and independently (3 min) Annotate your reading: underline, circle, highlight (2 min) Learning Target: I CAN write radioactive equations to determine products and type of decay using Tables N and O

5 All together First problem
November 13, 2017 All together First problem Learning Target: I CAN write radioactive equations to determine products and type of decay using Tables N and O

6 Try it yourself! (3 min) second problem
November 13, 2017 Try it yourself! (3 min) second problem Learning Target: I CAN write radioactive equations to determine products and type of decay using Tables N and O

7 Finish the first section in your groups (4 min)
November 13, 2017 Finish the first section in your groups (4 min) Learning Target: I CAN write radioactive equations to determine products and type of decay using Tables N and O

8 Second section in your groups (7 min)
November 13, 2017 Second section in your groups (7 min) Learning Target: I CAN write radioactive equations to determine products and type of decay using Tables N and O

9 Third section in your groups (8 min)
November 13, 2017 Third section in your groups (8 min) Learning Target: I CAN write radioactive equations to determine products and type of decay using Tables N and O

10 Remainder for homework
November 13, 2017 Remainder for homework Complete the remainder of the worksheet for homework – due Tuesday, November 14 Learning Target: I CAN write radioactive equations to determine products and type of decay using Tables N and O

11 Exit ticket (3 min) November 13, 2017 On a separate sheet of paper:
Write the decay equation for a carbon-14 emitting a beta particle. Learning Target: I CAN write radioactive equations to determine products and type of decay using Tables N and O

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