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Standards Based Report Cards

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1 Standards Based Report Cards

2 How the new report card was created?
A report card committee was formed. Committee members selected the most appropriate method for grading by developing new criteria that is consistent across grade levels Developed a standards-based report card using Chatham Elementary School’s template and other resources to incorporate the Massachusetts Common Core Standards

3 Traditional vs. Standard Based Report Card
Traditional Report Card Standards-based Report Card Students were assessed in each subject area on skills taught. Students receive multiple grades because the subject areas have been broken into broad categories that encompass the standards students are learning Performance criteria were different in each grade level and based on a different grading system. Students receive grades based on numeric level.

4 Similarities Traditional vs. Standard Based Report Card
Students’ grades are representative of the student’s progress at the time the teacher marks the report card. Teachers consider the most current assessment data in determining grades. Students still receive grades on effort and work habits.

5 Common Core Standards Based Report Card
If Monomoy included all Common Core standards on the report card, it would be quite lengthy and not user-friendly for parents. Instead, Monomoy correlated everything taught in our curriculum to standards for reporting to parents. The progress report standards are the same for all grade levels, K-4.

6 Fourth Grade Example GR4--READING
Understands the structure and key ideas of fiction/poetry Common Core Standards- RL ; RL Understands the structure and key ideas of non-fiction Common Core Standards- IT ; IT Reads grade level texts with accuracy, fluency, and expression Common Core Standards- RL.4.10; IT.4.10; FS Understands and utilizes new vocabulary Common Core Standards- RL.4.4; IT.4.4; L.4.4


8 Levels of Performance 4 EXCEEDING grade level expectations/standards consistently 3 MEETING grade level expectations/standards independently 2 APPROACHING the grade level expectations/standards, with assistance 1 BEGINNING, but not yet able to meet grade level expectations/standards N/A not addressed or formally assessed at this term M Modified work, student is accessing the curriculum at his/her identified level

Level of Performance ~ 4 4- EXCEEDING GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATIONS CONSISTENTLY Consistently demonstrates concepts and skills of standards taught during this term Requires no support when demonstrating understanding Demonstrates a thorough understanding of grade level content taught and can further apply it to a higher level thinking Makes no major errors, or omissions when demonstrating concepts or processes taught

Level of Performance ~ 3 3- MEETING GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATIONS INDEPENDENTLY Demonstrates concepts and skills of standard taught during this term Requires no support when demonstrating understanding Demonstrates a general understanding of content taught Makes few errors, or omissions when demonstrating concepts or processes

Level of Performance ~ 2 2 APPROACHING GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/ EXPECTATIONS WITH ASSISTANCE Requires support in order to demonstrate learning of concepts and skills Requires some assistance to demonstrate partial understanding of content taught Makes errors or omissions when demonstrating concepts or processes

12 Levels of Performance ~ 1
1 BEGINNING, BUT NOT YET ABLE TO MEET GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/EXPECTATIONS Requires consistent support to demonstrate learning of concepts and skills Demonstrates limited understanding of concepts, skills, and processes taught Makes frequent and/or major errors when demonstrating concepts or processes


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