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Thermal dimuons and f meson production in In-In collisions at the SPS

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1 Thermal dimuons and f meson production in In-In collisions at the SPS
Outline The NA60 Experiment at CERN Thermal dimuon production f meson production in the mm and KK channels Michele Floris (CERN) WISH 2010, Sep. 2010, Catania 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

2 or ? Measuring dimuons Energy loss Multiple scattering
Other muon trigger and tracking magnetic field hadron absorber target beam Energy loss Multiple scattering or ? Cannot distinguish prompt muons from decay muons Degraded dimuon mass resolution 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

3 Measuring dimuons in NA60
Other muon trigger and tracking magnetic field 2.5 T dipole magnet beam tracker vertex tracker hadron absorber targets Matching in coordinate and momentum space or ! Origin of muons can be accurately determined Improved dimuon mass resolution (80  20 MeV at the f) Background from p/K reduced Fake (wrong) matches: new source of BG 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

4 Data Sample In-In collisions at 158 AGeV incident beam energy
5 weeks in 2003 ~ 4 ∙ 1012 ions delivered ~ 230 million mm triggers Data analysis for dimuons Only one reconstructed vertex (avoid re-interactions) Subtract Background Combinatorial Background Fake Matches 5 Centrality bins 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

5 Thermal dileptons 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

6 Thermal dileptons in High Energy Nuclear Collisions
Dilepton emitted throughout the whole life-time of the fireball Production rate convoluted with space time evolution LMR: M<1 GeV Thermal dileptons mainly via: pp → r* → ℓℓ in-medium r modifications: probe of chiral symmetry restoration? (R. Pisarski, PLB ‘82) IMR: M>1 GeV Thermal dimuons from hadronic or partonic phase? Controversial (hadron-parton duality)! probe of deconfinement? (Kajantie, McLerran, al. ‘82 ff) 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

7 Previous SPS results on excess dileptons
LMR: mostly NA45/CERES IMR: NA34, NA38, NA50 Previous SPS results on excess dileptons Rapp-Wambach Brown/Rho meson cocktail 2000 data Statistical accuracy and resolution insufficient to unambiguously determine the in-medium spectral properties of the ρ No experimental capability to distinguish a prompt thermal dileptons from decay dileptons due to open charm 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

8 Excess dimuons Peripheral data (not shown):
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) Peripheral data (not shown): well described by meson decay cocktail (η, η’, ρ, ω, ɸ) and DD existence of excess dimuons More central data (shown): isolation of excess by subtraction of the measured decay cocktail (without r), based solely on local criteria for the major sources η Dalitz, ω and ɸ 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

9 Comparison of data to RW, BR and vacuum r
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) Predictions for all scenarios (Rapp 2003) Theoretical yields normalized to data for M<0.9 GeV Only broadening of r (RW) observed, no mass shift (BR) Data and predictions as shown, after acceptance filtering, roughly mirror the r spectral function, averaged over space-time and momenta. (Eur.Phys.J.C 49 (2007) 235) 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010 9

10 Extension to intermediate mass region
EPJC 59, (2009) Measurement of muon offsets Dm: distance between interaction vertex and track impact point Isolation of excess by subtraction of open charm and Drell-Yan Charm not enhanced; excess: prompt, 2.4 × DY Excess similar to open charm steeper than Drell-Yan 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

11 Hadron-Parton Duality for M >1 GeV
Hees/Rapp Phys.Rev.Lett. (2006) Renk/Ruppert, hep-ph/ Do we see in-medium f modifications? Mass region above 1 GeV described in terms of hadronic processes, 4p … Mass region above 1 GeV described in terms of partonic processes, qq… How to distinguish? Transverse Momentum Spectra 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010 11

12 Centrality-integrated excess mT spectra
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008) transverse mass: mT = (pT2 + M2)1/2 proper relative normalization steepening at low mT; not observed for hadrons (like f) signs for mass-dependent radial flow? monotonic flattening of spectra with mass up to M=1 GeV, followed by a steepening above fit mT spectra for pT>0.4 GeV with 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010 12

13 Dilepton transverse momentum spectra
Two main contributions to pT spectra T - dependence of thermal distribution of “mother” hadrons/partons M - dependent radial flow (bT) of “mother” hadrons/partons Dilepton pT spectra superposition from all fireball stages early emission: high T, low bT late emission: low T, high bT Hadron pT spectra determined at freeze-out Tf (restricted information) note: final-state lepton pairs themselves only weakly coupled → handle on emission region Final spectra from space-time folding over T-bT history from Ti → Tf (including low-flow partonic phase) 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

14 The rise and fall of radial flow of thermal dimuons
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008) Strong rise of Teff with dimuon mass, followed by a sudden drop for M>1 GeV Combining M and pT of dileptons seems to overcome hadron-parton duality Rise consistent with radial flow of a hadronic source (here pp→r→mm) , taking the freeze-out ρ as the reference Drop signals sudden transition to low-flow source, i.e. source of partonic origin (here qq→mm) 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010 14

15 f production 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

16 The f puzzle Historic facts on NA49 fKK (low pT) NA50 fmm (high pT)
vs NA50 fmm (high pT) Yields in hadronic channel lower than in leptonic channel by factor >2 in central collisions Inverse slopes in central collisions Hadronic (low pT) ~ 300 MeV Leptonic (high pT) ~ 230 MeV  f puzzle: in-medium effects on f and kaons + kaon absorption and rescattering leading to reduced yield and hardened pT spectrum in hadronic channel? More recently: CERES hadronic yield and inverse slope similar to NA49. Within large errors leptonic yield also compatible with NA49  No f puzzle? Recet NA50 analysis confirms previous results within 8% 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

17 f  mm, Analysis Details f events: Acceptance Correction
Subtract continuum below the f by means of side windows Effective statistics: f mesons Statistics up to pT = 3 GeV Acceptance Correction Overlay Monte Carlo f kinematics tuned with an iterative procedure in the 5 centrality bins  1D Acceptance correction Acc. x Rec. Eff. Acceptance down to 0 pT 03/04/2009 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010 17

18 fKK, Analysis Details No PID: all tracks assumed to be K Huge combinatorial background All triggers used (dominated by dimuon trigger) Event mixing technique Bins: same target, multiplicity, reaction plane Cuts on tracks: c2<3, pT > 0.2 GeV/c, < ylab < 3.7 Cut on pairs: < qKK < 0.15 Single tracks distributions are reproduced within ~ 0.1% PT y f Real / Mixed 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

19 fKK, Acceptance and resolution
Acceptance correction: overlay Monte Carlo where the f kinematic distributions tuned according to the results in the dimuon channel The expected mass resolution is 7.8 MeV (20 MeV in muons) MC f mass spectrum MKK (GeV/c2) dN/dMKK s=7.8 MeV 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

20 fKK Invariant mass fits
Residual background present in spectra fitted with MC f mass peak + BG Several BG functions Different selections are applied to check consistency of the results Peak position and width correctly reproduced when left as free parameters Npart NMB(*106) NfRAW(*103) S/B 39 1.47 14  5 1 / 167 75 4.40 120  15 1 / 212 132 9.59 616  40 1 / 271 183 7.11 631  50 1 / 412 0.8 < pT < 1.8 GeV/c <Npart> = 75 <Npart> = 132 <Npart> = 183

21 f  mm, mT Distributions EPJ C 64, 1-18 (2009)
Spectra fitted with the function: Depends on the fit range in presence of radial flow Effective temperature (larger T at low pT) Difference is ~15 MeV when fitting in the NA49/NA50 range 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

22 fKK: mT distributions
High background at low pT: fit limited to pT>0.8 GeV/c pT distributions only in the two most central bins (Statistics) Systematic error on T of ~ 5 MeV Clear agreement between the mT distributions measured in In-In collisions in the hadronic and dileptonic channels T=252  11 MeV (stat) T=258  14 MeV (stat) Spectra normalized to multiplicity Spectra normalized to multiplicity 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

23 Teff vs other measurements
In-In collisions the measurements in kaon and muon pairs are in agreement Central collisions: NA49 and CERES (KK) in Pb-Pb above In-In by ~30 MeV Difference NA50/NA49 ~ 70 MeV Radial flow: differences up to 15 MeV (cannot describe the difference) central collisions 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

24 f  mm yield: 2 methods (independent syst)
J/y as a reference f yield defined as: J/y Measured in same exp Once corrected for nuclear/anomalous abs scales with Ncoll Effective number of interactions estimated from observed counts of reference process Direct s measurement Beam Counters Effective Target Length Beam Absorption Transverse Size Monte Carlo Dedicated Runs (DAQ-vetoed)

25 Yield vs Npart: KK and mm
Determine Nf (KK) integrated for pT>0.8 GeV/c for each centrality bin Correct for the integrated acceptance in 4p and for the branching ratio (Teff from KK in (semi)central collisions, from mm in (semi)peripheral collisions) Nf is then divided by the number of events in that centrality bin <f> vs Npart in the kaon and muon channels agree Teff taken from fmm 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

26 <f>/Npart compared with other measurements
Comparison with NA50 in full phase space: ambiguous extrapolation (T slope) Extreme hypotheses T=220 MeV (NA50) and T=300 MeV (NA49)  values significantly higher than In-In f/Npart in central In-In collisions exceeds the Pb-Pb values in KK and ee Central collisions 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

27 f  mm, Mass and Width – MC tuning
Uncertainties in MC (material, alignment, B field maps, Eloss) lead to differences with data Data driven approach  MC tuned to data in peripheral events, using full spectrum below 1 GeV All Centralities All Centralities 4% smearing 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

28 f  mm, Low pT and central events
Excess more likely to appear in central events and at low pT Fit shown using RH (RR yields identical conclusions) Central + semicentral, pT < 0.6 All centralities, pT < 0.2 GeV No evidence for the presence of an excess (local c2/NDF ~ 1) 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

29 fmm, Mass and Width vs Centrality
f mass peak fitted with a Relativistic Breit-Wigner × detector response Mass and width compatible with PDG at any centrality EPJ C 64, 1-18 (2009) Semi Central fKK: mass and width compatible with simulation 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

30 Summary NA60: 3rd generation dilepton experiment at the SPS
Rad tolerant silicon pixels  unprecedented data quality Potential for continuation at lower energy Thermal dimuon production: pp annihilations major contribution M < 1 GeV Broadening (no mass shift) of the r: chiral simmetry? mT spectra: low flow source at M > 1 GeV: Partonic? f production and the f puzzle Dependence of T slope on pT suggests NA49 vs NA50 T difference larger than expected from radial flow Yield in leptonic channel in InIn larger than in hadronic channel in PbPb No effect in InIn: mm and KK channels compatible Hard to reconcile all observation in a consistent framework No modifications of mass and width PbPb measurements in a NA60-like experiment? 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

31 The NA60 Experiment Lisbon CERN Bern Torino
Yerevan Cagliari Lyon Clermont Riken Stony Brook Palaiseau Heidelberg BNL ~ 60 people 13 institutes 8 countries R. Arnaldi, R. Averbeck, K. Banicz, K. Borer, J. Buytaert, J. Castor, B. Chaurand, W. Chen, B. Cheynis, C. Cicalò, A. Colla, P. Cortese, S. Damjanović, A. David, A. de Falco, N. de Marco, A. Devaux, A. Drees, L. Ducroux, H. En’yo, A. Ferretti, M. Floris, P. Force, A. Grigorian, J.Y. Grossiord, N. Guettet, A. Guichard, H. Gulkanian, J. Heuser, M. Keil, L. Kluberg, Z. Li, C. Lourenço, J. Lozano, F. Manso, P. Martins, A. Masoni, A. Neves, H. Ohnishi, C. Oppedisano, P. Parracho, P. Pillot, G. Puddu, E. Radermacher, P. Ramalhete, P. Rosinsky, E. Scomparin, J. Seixas, S. Serci, R. Shahoyan, P. Sonderegger, H.J. Specht, R. Tieulent, E. Tveiten, G. Usai, H. Vardanyan, R. Veenhof and H. Wöhri 10/09/2010 Michele Floris - WISH 2010

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