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History of the Universe

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1 History of the Universe
How did the universe evolve so uniformly? Why is the CMBR temperature the same everywhere ? When and how did matter form ? Why are the H and He abundances the same everywhere (except for He produced in stars) ? Why is the expansion accelerating? Is the universe open or closed ?

2 The Big Bang Three basic facts based on observations:
1. Expansion of the Universe – Hubble Law 2. Cosmic Background Radiation 3. Primordial Nucleosynthesis : Cosmic abundances of H, He, and light elements

3 Primordial abundances of elements

4 Fluctuations and Large-Scale Structure
Disturbances in the early universe grow in time; their size determines large-scale structure and properties such as the curvature of the universe.

5 “Hot spots” in the early universe as we see them today:
Indicators of the curvature of the Universe

6 Uniformity and Isotropy of CMBR
Why is the temperature of CMBR the same everywhere? The extremely uniform background radiation everywhere in the Universe presents a problem since different parts of the Universe may have been out of touch (even by light) from each other, i.e. outside each other’s event horizons


8 Observable Universe

9 Early to Present Universe (Flat?)

10 Temperature Evolution of the Universe

11 Temporal Evolution of the Universe

12 History of forces and particles in the Universe

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