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St George’s Primary School Books for Bedtime

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1 St George’s Primary School Books for Bedtime

2 This evening… Bedtime routines Story before bedtimes
The importance of reading Parent and child story time Hot chocolate and biscuits

3 Benefits of a good bedtime routine
Bedtime routines are important for everyone. When it comes to children, this is especially true. The average 5 year old needs hours Establishing and maintaining good sleep habits helps your child fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up rested and refreshed. Good sleep habits can not only take the stress out of bedtime, but can help make it the special time it should be for you and your child

4 Establishing a good bedtime routine
Set a specific time and stick to it. Even during weekends and school holidays Give a warning. Start the wind down, run a bath 5 minutes…..? Signal Ring a bell, have a timer?

5 Offer a snack. A light snack that includes both protein and carbohydrates is best
Get dressed for bed. Choose comfortable, non-binding pyjamas, that are neither too warm nor too light. Read a favourite story to your child. This is a comforting routine for children, particularly if it's a favourite story that's associated with bedtime – this is also an excellent time to promote a love of reading. Say goodnight Keep it brief



8 Promote a good nights sleep: Blue light and sleep patterns
Wavelengths produced by electronics: boost attention, reaction times and mood. This can be great for the daytime when the body needs to be alert, but at night it can become a problem. Melatonin is sleep inducing hormone Research has found that exposure to blue light suppresses the production of melatonin more than any other type of light. Blue light: produced by TV’s, I pads, smart phones Point 1 Child develop quickly in the early years and children’s experiences between birth and five have a major impact on their future life chances. Point 2 Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfill their potential.

9 "To prevent sleeping problems, avoid any exposure to any blue light 60 minutes prior to bed.
Even if sleep comes quickly after the use of technology, research shows that the quality of sleep is reduced and we are more likely to be restless and wake – even briefly – during the night Point 1 Child develop quickly in the early years and children’s experiences between birth and five have a major impact on their future life chances. Point 2 Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfill their potential.


11 Reading at bedtime How many children have a story at bedtime?
What are your memories as a child of a bedtime story? What books / authors are appropriate for Foundation Stage children – what are your children’s favourites

12 Children’s Authors / Books

13 Reading at home… Statistics – statistics tell us that children are reading more than ever – HOWEVER these often include ‘you-tube, Snap-chat, face-book’ data. Not quality children’s literature. Adults as readers - children must see us reading to be inspired to read themselves Reading – develops life long learners

14 what it is. We talk at a basic level…
Research tells us that reading aloud to children, more than talking, builds literacy skills We talk in a lazy tongue – often pointing, using gesture or a pronoun and the context tells us what it is. We talk at a basic level… Language is much richer when we read to children. Even basic picture books use more uncommon words than the majority of adults use in daily talk Being a good reader, reading for pleasure and being exposed to story language helps children to become good writers…

15 Reading at St Georges Daily stories – part of input – link texts to literacy and numeracy Guided read weekly with CT / TA Reading books sent home weekly x2 plus library book of child’s choice RWI daily SQUIRT Story at home time daily

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