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Unit 4 Essential Question: How does trade make people better off?

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1 Unit 4 Essential Question: How does trade make people better off?
Gains from Trade Unit 4 Essential Question: How does trade make people better off?

2 Specialization Adam Smith said specialization is…we do what we’re good at. This is division of labor = each person does his own job. This encourages trade Voluntary exchange – both sides agree to give up & get something Barter – a good/service for a good/service (blacksmith swaps for eggs) Money – makes trade easier (blacksmith buys loaf of bread) Trade makes economic interdependence We depend on others for things Trade barriers – allowed to trade with others freely? or with rules? (Adam Smith—free; Donald Trump—with rules)

3 Alexander Selkirk Stranded on an island.

4 Advantages (absolute & comparative)
Stranded on an island… Selkirk (see pics) Pirate Jack Turnips or Clams? Absolute advantage – the person/country that can produce more (of either item on a PPF) Abs. adv. is the line farthest out from zero (red = Pirate Jack)

5 Cont. Remember, inside the PPF is possible, but inefficient.
Outside the PPF is impossible.

6 Advantages (cont.) Comparative advantage – is measured in opportunity cost… …opp. cost is what’s given up Turnips or clams? (see chart) Column 1 – dig 1 turnip – Selkirk gives up 1 clam; P.J. gives up ½ clam. Who gives up less digging turnips? So… …P.J. has comparative advantage in digging turnips. Col. 2 – find 1 clam – Selkirk gives up 1 turnip; P.J. gives up 2 turnips. Who gives up less finding clams? So… …Selkirk has comparative advantage in finding clams.

7 Cont. Shortcut to find comparative advantage…
…look at the slope of the line. If NOT parallel, one country will have a comparative advantage with one product, the other country with the other product. The lines “flatten” or “lean” toward the comparative adv.

8 Advantages (cont.) Remember, outside the PPF is impossible. But…
…if they specialize then trade, they CAN get outside the PPF. Bottom line: do what you’re good at (do what you have comparative advantage at), then trade, you get more.

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