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Renewable vs non-renewable sources of energy

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Presentation on theme: "Renewable vs non-renewable sources of energy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewable vs non-renewable sources of energy
LO: To understand how energy is made from renewable and non-renewable sources and summarise the advantages and disadvantages of using each

2 Renewable vs non-renewable
Non renewable resources are finite – once they are used up they cannot be replaced because they take to long to form or regrow. Renewable resources are generally cleaner than non-renewable sources, but as yet produce less than 10% of the world’s energy needs. They are often referred to as alternative sources of energy.

3 Energy Carousel Presentations

4 Task: Using all the information provided, you must create a factfile for each type of energy to explain How energy is made from that source A location that relies heavily on this source Several advantages and disadvantages for each energy type Optional diagram of the process

5 Bar timer

6 Nuclear Energy Debate This house believes that the world would be better off without nuclear power.

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