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Biology : Principles of Biology I
Syllabus Basics and Important Notes
Biology: Exploring Life
Chapter 1 Biology: Exploring Life
Key Terms (page 1) Adaptation Archaea Atom Bacteria Biology Biosphere
Cell Community Consumers Controlled experiment Decomposers Domains Ecosystem Emergent properties Eukarya Eukaryotes Hypothesis Kingdoms Molecule Natural selection 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Key Terms (page 2) Organ system Organelle Organism Organs Population
Producers Prokaryotes Prokaryotic cell Species System Taxonomy Technology Theories Tissues 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
A Big-Billed Bird Rebounds
A Big-Billed Bird Rebounds Brown pelicans Are part of the web of life in their environment 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
The brown pelicans’ proximity to humans
The brown pelicans’ proximity to humans Has meant trouble for the species The brown pelicans’ connection to the environment Sets the stage for the study of biology 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
1.1 Life’s levels of organization define the scope of biology Life’s structural hierarchy Defines the scope of biology: the scientific study of life Biosphere Ecosystem Florida coast Community All organisms on the Florida coast Population Group of brown pelicans Organism Brown pelican Organ system Nervous system Organ Brain Tissue Nervous tissue Cell Nerve cell Organelle Nucleus Molecule DNA Atom Spinal cord Nerve Figure 1.1 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Figure 1.1 12/5/2018
Question Which of the following levels of biological organization includes all others in the list: cell, molecule, organ, tissue? Organ 12/5/2018
As well as the nonliving environmental components
An ecosystem consists of all the organisms living in a par ticular area As well as the nonliving environmental components All the living organisms in an ecosystem Make up a community 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Consists of a localized group of individuals of a species
A population Consists of a localized group of individuals of a species An individual living entity Is an organism 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
The hierarchy continues downward with Organ systems Organs Tissues
The hierarchy continues downward with Organ systems Organs Tissues Cells Organelles Molecules 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Concept Check Which of the following levels of life’s hierarchy is not appropriate when referring to two of life’s domains: Archaea and Bacteria? The population level. The organism level. The organ level. The molecular level. 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Answer Which of the following levels of life’s hierarchy is not appropriate when referring to two of life’s domains: Archaea and Bacteria? The organ level. 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
1.2 Living organisms and their environments form interconnecting webs
1.2 Living organisms and their environments form interconnecting webs Ecosystems are characterized by the cycling of chemical nutrients from the atmosphere and soil To producers to consumers to decomposers and back to the environment which contains both living and nonliving components 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Environment ENVIRONMENT natural world: the natural world, within which people, animals, and plants live. It is regarded by many as being at risk from the harmful influences of industrialized societies. Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
1.2 Living organisms and their environments form interconnecting webs
Two major processes are at work in an ecosystem: The recycling of chemical nutrients The flow of energy 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Question Explain how the photosynthesis of plants functions in both the cycling of chemical nutrients and the flow of energy in an ecosystem. Photosynthesis use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water to make energy rich compounds/food, making it the pathway for nutrients and energy for most organisms. It is the basis of the entire food chain for all living organisms. 12/5/2018
Energy flows one-way through an ecosystem
Energy flows one-way through an ecosystem From the sun to producers to consumers and exits as heat Sun Air CO2 O2 H2O Chemical energy Inflow of light Loss heat Producers Cycling nutrients Consumers Decomposers Soil Ecosystem Figure 1.2 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Question Explain why cells are considered the basic unit of life
They are the lowest level in hierarchy of biological organization at which properties of life actually appear. 12/5/2018
1.3 Cells are the structural and functional units of life
1.3 Cells are the structural and functional units of life A cell Is the basic unit of life that can perform all functions necessary for life including: Regulate its internal environment Take in and use energy Respond to its local environment Develop and maintain its complex organization Divide to form new cells 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
from the complex organization of a system, such as a cell
New proper ties emerge from the complex organization of a system, such as a cell An important theme of biology is the emergent property: Life is dependent on the organizational levels of a cell – or “the whole is greater than sum of its parts.” System: the combination of the parts that from a more complex organization, regardless if it is a cell or a community. 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Eukaryotic cells Contain membrane-enclosed organelles, including a DNA-containing nucleus Prokaryotic cells Lack such organelles Nucleus (contains DNA) Eukar yotic cell Prokar yotic cell DNA (no nucleus) Organelles 25,000 Figure 1.3 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Question What is the chemical basis of all life’s kinship?
DNA is the genetic material 12/5/2018
1.4 The unity of life: All forms of life have common features DNA is the genetic information For constructing the molecules that make up cells and organisms 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Each species’ genetic instructions
Each species’ genetic instructions Are coded in the sequences of the four building blocks making up DNA’s two helically coiled chains A C T G Figure 1.4A 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
DNA is the genetic information
DNA is the genetic information for constructing the molecules that make up cells and organisms. Each species’ genetic instructions are coded in the sequences of the four building blocks making up DNA’s two helically coiled chains. All organisms share a set of common features: ordered structures regulation of the internal conditions growth and development energy use response to environmental stimuli the ability to reproduce and evolve. 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Question List the 6 basic characteristics of life. Ordered structures
Regulation of internal conditions Growth and development Energy use Response to environmental stimuli The ability to reproduce and evolve 12/5/2018
Homeostasis All organisms share a common set of features
All organisms share a common set of features Ordered structures Regulation of internal conditions Figure 1.4B Figure 1.4C 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Growth and development Energy use Response to environmental stimuli
Growth and development Energy use Response to environmental stimuli The ability to reproduce and evolve Figure 1.4D Figure 1.4E 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Question List the three domains and the five kingdoms.
Give examples of each. Eukaryote, Bacteria, Achaea Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Monera, Protista Any animal, any plant, yeast and mushrooms, E. coli, algae and amoeba 12/5/2018
1.5 The diversity of life can be arranged into three domains
1.5 The diversity of life can be arranged into three domains Organisms are grouped (classified) into: the prokaryotic 2 domains: Bacteria and Archaea the eukaryotic domain Eukarya 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Domains Bacteria and Archaea
Domains Bacteria and Archaea SEM 3,250 Figure 1.5A SEM 25,000 Figure 1.5B 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Domain Eukarya includes
Domain Eukarya includes Protists (protozoans and algae, falling into multiple kingdoms) The kingdoms Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia Kingdom Fungi 275 Kingdom Animalia Protists (multiple kingdoms) Kingdom Plantae Figure 1.5C 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
1.6 Evolution explains the unity and diversity of life
1.6 Evolution explains the unity and diversity of life Charles Dar win Synthesized the theory of evolution by natural selection Figure 1.6A 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Concept Check Darwin proposed the theory of natural selection. For the most part natural selection acts as a filtering agent at the ___________level of life’s hierarchy. Community Population Individual Organ 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Answer Darwin proposed the theory of natural selection. For the most part natural selection acts as a filtering agent at the ___________level of life’s hierarchy. Population 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Natural selection is an editing mechanism:
Natural selection is an editing mechanism: That occurs when populations or organisms, having inherited variations, are exposed to environmental factors that favor the reproductive success of some individuals over others 1 2 3 Populations with varied inherited traits Elimination of individuals with certain traits Reproduction of survivors Figure 1.6B 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
All organisms have adaptations
All organisms have adaptations That have evolved by means of natural selection Killer whale Pangolin Figure 1.6C 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Question How does natural selection allow a population to adapt to its environment? On average, those organisms with heritable traits best suited for their local environment produce the largest number of offspring that survive and reproduce. This increases the frequency of these traits in the population. 12/5/2018
1.7 Scientists use two main approaches to learn about nature
THE PROCESS OF SCIENCE 1.7 Scientists use two main approaches to learn about nature Science Is a way of knowing Seeks natural causes for natural phenomena 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
1. Discovery Science In discovery science
1. Discovery Science In discovery science Scientists describe some aspect of the world and use inductive reasoning to draw general conclusions Inductive: LOGIC reaching a conclusion based on observation: generalizing to produce a universal claim or principle from observed instances 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
2. Hypothesis-Based Science
2. Hypothesis-Based Science In hypothesis-based science Scientists attempt to explain obser vations by testing hypotheses 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
1.8 With hypothesis-based science, we pose and test hypotheses
1.8 With hypothesis-based science, we pose and test hypotheses Hypothesis-based science involves: Obser vations, questions, hypotheses as tentative answers to questions and Deductions leading to predictions, and then tests of predictions to see if a hypothesis is falsifiable 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Question What is the difference between discovery science and hypothesis-based science? In the first, scientists make observations and describe objects and phenomena (inductive reasoning); in the second, they propose hypotheses, make deductions, and test predictions. 12/5/2018
Hypothesis Theory needing investigation: a tentative explanation for a phenomenon, used as a basis for further investigation The hypothesis of the big bang is one way to explain the beginning of the universe. 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Hypothesis - defined A conjecture advanced for heuristic purposes, cast in a form that is amenable to confirmation or refutation by conducting of definable experiments and the critical assembly of empiric data; not to be confused with assumption, postulation, or unfocused speculation. Heuristic: LOGIC procedure for getting solution: a helpful procedure for arriving at a solution but not necessarily a proof 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Deduction Conclusion drawn: a conclusion drawn from available information. Drawing a conclusion: the process of drawing a conclusion from available information. LOGIC logical conclusion: a conclusion reached by applying the rules of logic to a premise. LOGIC reasoning: the forming of conclusions by applying the rules of logic to a premise 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
A Case Study from Ever yday Life
A Case Study from Ever yday Life Deductive reasoning is used in testing hypotheses as follows If a hypothesis is correct, and we test it, then we can expect a par ticular outcome 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Figure 1.8A The hypothesis-driven scientific method (layer 1)
Observations Question Hypothesis # 1: Dead batteries Hypothesis # 2: Burnt-out bulb Prediction: Replacing batteries will fix problem Replacing bulb Test prediction Test falsifies hypothesis Test does not falsify hypothesis 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Figure 1.8A The hypothesis-driven scientific method (layer 2)
Observations Question Hypothesis # 1: Dead batteries Hypothesis # 2: Burnt-out bulb Prediction: Replacing batteries will fix problem Replacing bulb Test prediction Test falsifies hypothesis Test does not falsify hypothesis 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Figure 1.8A The hypothesis-driven scientific method (layer 3)
Observations Question Hypothesis # 1: Dead batteries Hypothesis # 2: Burnt-out bulb Prediction: Replacing batteries will fix problem Replacing bulb Test prediction Test falsifies hypothesis Test does not falsify hypothesis 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Five Steps of the scientific method
Observation come from others or results of earlier tests Questions are asked about unclear aspects of the observations: How? Why? When? Hypotheses are tentative explanation of a phenomenon phrased in such a way as to be testable. Predictions are logical, testable outcomes of the hypotheses developed by the use of deductive reasoning. Predictions take the form of if (statement of hypotheses) is true, then (predictions). Tests of prediction are performed to determine if the predictions are supported (fail to falsify) or falsified. 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Two important qualities of the hypotheses-based science
A hypothesis must be testable. A hypothesis must be falsifiable. A hypothesis becomes credible when repeated attempts to disprove it fail. 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Controls Controlled experiment, one that is designed to compare an experimental group with a control group. Ideally, the experimental and control groups differ only in the one factor the experiment is designed to test. Without the control group, one could not rule out certain test areas as the cause of the difference. This experimental design should leave only one factor to account for the difference in the two groups. 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Question What two required features of an hypothesis?
It must be testable and falsifiable 12/5/2018
Question Why is it difficult to draw a conclusion from an experiment that is not controlled? Without a control you don’t know if the experimental outcome is due to the variable you are trying to test or due to some other variable. 12/5/2018
1.8 Biology is connected to our lives in many ways: Biology in the news has an enormous impact on our every day lives. Some examples of biology in the news are endangered species, genetically modified crops, global warming, pollution, cloning, nutrition, emerging diseases, and medical advances. Technology is the practical application of scientific knowledge and discovery. Scientists speak of discovery while engineers speak of inventions. Scientists and engineers benefit from the work and success of each other. 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Biology is connected to many impor tant issues in our lives
Biology is connected to many impor tant issues in our lives Environmental problems and solutions Genetic engineering Medicine Figure 1.9 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Many technological advances Stem from scientific research
Many technological advances Stem from scientific research The science-technology-society relationship Is an impor tant aspect of a biology course 12/5/2018 Dr. Perkins
Evolution and Natural Selection
Evolution explains the unity and diversity of life. Charles Darwin synthesized the theory of evolution by natural selection. Natural selection is an editing mechanism that occurs when populations of organisms having inherited variations are exposed to environmental factors that favor the reproductive success of some individuals over others. All organisms have adaptations that have evolved by means of natural selection. 12/5/2018
Evolution and Natural Selection
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