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November 3, 2017 Language Arts Math Science Guidance

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Presentation on theme: "November 3, 2017 Language Arts Math Science Guidance"— Presentation transcript:

1 November 3, 2017 Language Arts Math Science Guidance
Identifying beginning sounds Letters Ll and Mm (sound, letter recognition, handwriting, and sign language) Color word – brown Literature about Halloween & Scarecrows Math Calendar math Numbers 9 & 10 Tally marks Number bonds Ten frames Even and odd numbers Science Farming Guidance Continuing the unit about the I-Care Rules This week flew by in room 4! The Halloween celebrations were fabulous and I hope you were able to make it out to see all of the amazing costumes parading around the playgrounds! Thank you to the parents who came before the parade to help with getting dressed into costumes (I couldn’t do it without you!) and to the parents who organized and ran the Halloween class party afterwards! The kids had a blast! This week we also wrote in our journals, practiced our scissor skills, read books about scarecrows and even made some adorable scarecrows that are decorating the hallway. We also switched seats for the new month! Next week we will continue our alphabet study, learn about squirrels and their activity in the fall, and start on some double digit numbers! Monday (DAY 1) Music Tuesday No School Wednesday (DAY 2) Library – No Checkouts Thursday (DAY 3) Art Friday (DAY 4) Library – Book Checkout November 6 – Picture Retake Day November 7 – In Service - No School November – Book Fair Nov 15 10:15-10:45 is our class’s turn, let me know if you can come help write the wish lists! November 20, 21, 27 – Conferences No School for Kindergarten. Sign ups began electronically on Nov 1st at 10AM. Refer to the letter sent home on 10/20

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