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Rational Thoughts.

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1 Rational Thoughts

2 Using Rational Thoughts
As people, we can think rationally or irrationally Rational thoughts: logical thinking based on fact Irrational thoughts: not logical thinking based on opinion or stress Rational thoughts can lead us to success. Irrational thoughts can lead to failure, misunderstandings, and more irrational thoughts. What are some synonyms for Rational? What are some synonyms for Irrational? Rational: logical, reasonable, balanced, sane, sensible, normal, Irrational: unreasonable, foolish, absurd, extreme, unfounded, illogical Irrational thoughts aren’t just untrue— they are harmful!

3 Examples of Thoughts Some classmates are my friends and some aren’t
Rational Irrational Some classmates are my friends and some aren’t Sometimes I win, but not always I’m smart, but so are other people. I am wrong sometimes. My teachers try to be fair when there is an argument Everyone hates me I never win I’m the smartest and always right My teachers never take my side Notice that irrational thoughts often include words like “always” and “never.” Life is usually less extreme than this. Words like “sometimes” and “usually” indicate more rational thoughts.

4 Sort the Thoughts! Your Job:
In groups, sort the papers I will give you a “rational thoughts” pile and an “irrational thoughts” pile. When everyone has finished, we will check and discuss them as a class. Give students slips of paper with rational or irrational thoughts on them. In groups, they should organize them into rational and irrational. Give a few blank pieces of paper so that they can make their own. After the sorting is done, click to the next slide to see the answers.

5 Sort the Thoughts- Answers
Rational Irrational I got a C- because I didn’t do all of the required work. We can keep working as a class to earn a reward! Sometimes, I get to pick the movie my family watches. If I work hard, I have a chance to reach my goals. My teachers like me, but sometimes they get frustrated. I’ll probably earn a 4 one day, because I usually work hard and follow rules. Summer break is a long way away, but it will get here eventually. All the teachers hate me and want me to fail. Everyone is jealous of me because I’m the smartest person in this school. I never get to do what I want. I never win when I play games. I won’t ever get a 4. No one wants me to succeed. I will never get the job I want one day. Our class is terrible. We won’t ever get the reward. If I listen to that sounds for one more second, I will literally die.

6 When are we more likely to have each kind of thought?
Rational Irrational Low-stress situations Familiar situations When little is expected of me When I’m stable/calm High-stress situations New/unfamiliar situations When a lot is expected of me When I’m escalating or in crisis We can recognize times when we are most likely to have each kind of thought and be on alert for irrational thoughts. When we realize we are having irrational thoughts, we can challenge them and change them into rational thoughts. We challenge by saying “Is this REALLY true? What has been true in the past? Are there examples that show this is not entirely true? How can I adjust my thought for it to be more rational?” Irrational thoughts can snowball– having one can lead to more stress, which leads to more irrational thoughts. This is why we need to challenge and stop irrational thinking.

7 Change irrational to rational thoughts
I’ll never finish this homework. My mom never lets me have ice cream. Everyone is making fun of me. I always hate talking to new people. I’m stronger than everyone in this building. On the board, write out rational versions of each irrational thought. Have students do some on their ISN page as well (independently, if possible).

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