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Ch.13 Sect.1:Cultures Clash on the Prairie

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Presentation on theme: "Ch.13 Sect.1:Cultures Clash on the Prairie"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch.13 Sect.1:Cultures Clash on the Prairie

2 The Culture of the Plains Indians
Great Plains— What did they produce? Who brought over horses? By the mid-1700s… “counting coup” Tepees Buffalo meat… Extended families Men and women… Shamans Counsel


4 Pemmican

5 Settlers Push Westward
Did Natives believe they owned land? Plains were “unsettled” What was a powerful attraction to the West? Were towns nice?


7 The Govt. Restricts Natives
In 1834, act passed… In 1850s… Sand Creek Bozeman Trail Red Cloud Crazy Horse Treaty of Ft. Laramie Sitting Bull


9 Red Cloud

10 Bloody Battles Continue
1868 war broke out What did Army do? Settlers went to the Black Hills and faced off against the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho George Custer Little Bighorn Sitting Bull…

11 Custer

12 Chief Gall

13 Battle of Wounded Knee The Ghost Dance Movement Sitting Bull arrested
What happened? 350 Sioux taken and…

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