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Arrays, Control flow, and Loops

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1 Arrays, Control flow, and Loops
CS/COE 0447 Jarrett Billingsley

2 Class announcements mmmmmmmm no CS447

3 Address Calculation CS447

4 Strings, arrays, objects…
when we wanted to store 4-byte values… we split them up across consecutive bytes what about a string? how is a string represented? how many bytes is a string? any array might be that big too the solution to storing it in memory is the same but how do you access these big things? Addr 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D Val 00 30 04 DE C0 EF BE 6C 34 01 02 03 - a string is a sequence of individual character values… - …but a string can be any size, even millions or billions of characters CS447

5 What's an array, really byte[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...};
if we did this in C or Java: byte[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...}; in memory it might look like this what memory address is arr[0] at? what about arr[1]? what about arr[2]? what about arr[3]? let's generalize. if an array starts at memory address A… …then item i is at address… A + i that's true, but it's only part of the answer Addr Val ... F405 06 F404 05 F403 04 F402 03 F401 02 F400 01 - I will try to be consistent in having memory addresses increasing upwards - this makes the stack grow "down" as we expect and makes little-endian values "look right" - arr[0] is at 0xF400, arr[1] is at 0xF401, arr[2] is at 0xF402… - generally, arr[i] is at 0xF400 + i CS447

6 well sort of int[] arr = {1, 2, 3}; if we did this:
in memory it'd look like this why are there all these 0s? what endianness is being used here? what memory address is arr[1] at? arr[2]? what would the next address be? if an array starts at memory address A… …and each item is B bytes long… …then item i is at address A + Bi on the last slide, B happened to be 1 Addr Val F40B 00 F40A F409 F408 03 F407 F406 F405 F404 02 F403 F402 F401 F400 01 - the 0s are because ints are (often) 4 bytes, so the whole numbers are 0x , 0x , etc - this is little-endian, as the little end (the smallest byte) comes first - arr[1] is at 0xF404, arr[2] is at 0xF408 - the next address would be at 0xF40C (C = 12) CS447

7 How do you eat an elyphant?
if you wanna print all the values in an array, how do?? for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) print(data[i]); let's focus on ^this bit^ for now data is an array of words, so how big is each item? in this calculation, what is A? B? i? so what's the address calculation? address of item i = data + (i * 4) do you think you could convert that bit into assembly? - each word is 32 bits, or 4 bytes - A is the address of the beginning of the array (data) - B is 4 - i is…………. i CS447

8 Arrays in MIPS CS447

9 Making arrays in MIPS first you need to make space for it just like a variable for a small array you can list all the values: little_array: .word 1, 2, 3, 4 but for a big array, that would be annoying so you can write: big_array: .word 0xBEEFC0DE:100 this fills the array with 100 copies of 0xBEEFC0DE notice how similar these look to variables (that's cause there's not really any difference) - an array is, conceptually, a bunch of individual variables that "live next to each other" in memory CS447

10 MIPS ISA: putting an address in a register
if the address calculation needs the address of the array… we've gotta get that address into a register, right? this is what the la instruction does la t0, little_array la means load address it doesn't load anything from memory. what it does: t0 now contains little_array's address - we can't do "A + Bi" unless we have "A" in a register, and "A" is the starting address - remember, the assembler is the one coming up with the addresses whenever we use a label to make something - la is kind of a special form of li – it's putting a constant in the register, but the constant happens to be the address of something - all "load" instructions have in common is "they put something in a register" - this was a poor choice of name on the MIPS designers' part, IMO CS447

11 Intermission: Data transfer
let's get a handle on the data transfer instructions so far registers memory li v0, 10 la t0, arr lw, lh, lhu, lb, lbu sw, sh, sb - data transfer = copying data around - computers alllllways copyyyyyyyy, there is no such thing as "moving" something – there's no such thing as a "data vacuum" - so DRM technologies that try to make things artificially scarce are just… an abomination? the worst? CS447

12 Accessing arrays in MIPS (let's do it together)
we want to print out the value in little_array[3]. what's the address calculation? now turn that into MIPS let's come up with the instructions first and then decide which registers to use how do we put the address of little_array in a register? now to translate the math now we have the address; how do we get the value? how do we print it out? if we want to store a value into the array… we just use a store instruction instead of a load - see the "arrays.asm" example for the result of this little exercise CS447

13 How does the CPU know that t0 holds an address?
WHAT DO YOU THINK IT DOESN'T addresses are just numbers too!! which means we can do math on addresses which we just did! like that's how arrays and strings and objects and stuff work you can also have a variable whose value is an address these are……. pointers in C (& is like la, * is like lw/sw) CS447

14 Don't step on the crack (alignment)
let's remove the mul instruction "fetch address not aligned on word boundary"? in MIPS, all memory accesses must be aligned alignment is just: the address of an n-byte value must be a multiple of n whyyyy do we align values? very long, complicated story short: it's faster that's it, that's all, there's nothing more to it Addr Val F40B 00 F40A F409 F408 03 F407 F406 F405 F404 02 F403 F402 F401 F400 01 - REMEMBER THE DEFINITION!!!!!!!!!! OKAY????????????????????? - Good to remember that multiples of 4 in hex go 0, 4, 8, C, 0, 4, 8, C… CS447

15 Control flow CS447

16 With great power… control flow is the order that your instructions run in what kinds of control flow statements do you know of? what about functions? WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL in asm, the only thing you get for free is that instructions run in order you're responsible for coming up with everything else. if you screw up your control flow, the CPU doesn't care you'll just have a broken, malfunctioning program and it'll be half an hour before the lab is due and you'll be sad this is like 90% of the bugs I've seen - things like if/else/switches, while/do-while/for loops, break/continue, function calls/return - control flow is probably the hardest part to get right in assembly. no joke CS447

17 if(x == w - 1) { do_thing() } else { other_thing() } third_thing()
Building blocks a basic block is a chunk of code that has no control flow in it control flow statements separate basic blocks x == w - 1? if(x == w - 1) { do_thing() } else { other_thing() } third_thing() other_thing do_thing third_thing - basic blocks come up a lot in compilers, virtual machines, reverse engineering, that kinda stuff thinking about this is REAL HELPFUL CS447

How to approach it WRITE PSEUDOCODE if(x == w - 1) { do_thing() } else { other_thing() } IGNORE THE CRAP INSIDE TRANSLATE THE CONTROL FLOW TO ASM FIRSTTTTTTTTT - SERIOUSLY. - control flow is like the foundation or skeleton of your code. - once you lay it down, it's much easier to add the basic block code inside. CS447

19 essentially… the way control flow works in asm is you make basic blocks you gotta name (label) them then, you use control flow instructions to choose where to go "which basic block runs next?" that's the question you need to ask yourself for this stuff the CPU will always execute the next instruction, unless you explicitly tell it otherwise THE CPU DOES NOT SEE YOUR LABELS. a label does not end a basic block. a control flow instruction does. or, the absence of one will cause the next basic block to run. - if some code is acting weird, and you don't know why it's executing something… - step through one instruction at a time. - usually, it's because you forgot to account for one possible branch in the control flow graph. CS447

20 Loops CS447

21 Getting a little further from familiarity
all control flow is done with branches and jumps these are instructions which say "go somewhere else" for example… main_loop: # clear screen # draw one thing # sleep # draw another thing # etc j main_loop this is an infinite loop, which is sometimes useful but not too interesting j stands for "jump" – go somewhere else - "branch" means "go to an instruction a certain distance away" while "jump" means "go to a specific instruction" - but when you're programming in assembly, they kinda look the same - but we'll learn that they work differently inside the CPU. - 'b' is a synonym for 'j' – they both unconditionally go to the given label CS447

22 MIPS ISA: conditional branch instructions
conditional branch instructions do one of two things: if the condition is met, we go to the label otherwise, nothing happens, and we go to the next instruction Instruction Meaning beq a, b, label if(a == b) { goto label } bne a, b, label if(a != b) { goto label } blt a, b, label if(a < b) { goto label } ble a, b, label if(a <= b) { goto label } bgt a, b, label if(a > b) { goto label } bge a, b, label if(a >= b) { goto label } - if the condition is false, they do absolutely nothing; the CPU ignores it entirely - so look after your conditional branches and ask yourself, "is this where I want to go if the condition was false?" - and remember that labels mean nothing! - EQual, Not Equal, Less Than, Less or Equal, Greater Than, Greater or Equal above, a must be a register, but b can be a register or number CS447

23 A simple conditional loop (animated)
something like this… if s2<10, where do we go? what are the basic blocks? cond: body which conditional branch? blt s2, 10, ____ while(s2 < 10) { // stuff!! } // more stuff j end if s2≥10, where do we go? body: # stuff!! j cond how to go back up to the top? end: # more stuff we NEED THIS – the CPU doesn't see/care about your labels!! CS447

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