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Welcome to Year 5 Brontosaurus Class (Mr Baker) Deer Class (Mrs Ducker) Galah Class (Mrs Garnett-Smith)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 5 Brontosaurus Class (Mr Baker) Deer Class (Mrs Ducker) Galah Class (Mrs Garnett-Smith)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 5 Brontosaurus Class (Mr Baker) Deer Class (Mrs Ducker) Galah Class (Mrs Garnett-Smith)

2 Welcome to Year 5 Brontosaurus Class (Mr Baker) Deer Class (Mrs Ducker) Galah Class (Mrs Garnett-Smith)

3 School times start of day break community time lunch afternoon school start end of day


5 Behaviour – Expectations and Rewards

6 EASTON CE ACADEMY BEHAVIOUR REWARDS Merits House Points Star Certificates Jump Trip

7 Uniform expectations

8 PE and swimming times PE kit expectations


10 Home work Mathletics Maths Challenge Bug Club Reading
Homework will be given out on a Friday and is expected back on the following Wednesday. Home work Mathletics Maths Challenge Bug Club Reading






16 Writing at Easton CE Academy
Here at Easton Academy we use Talk 4 Writing as a teaching model to improve our children’s writing.

17 Immersion


19 Talk for writing Term1 Term2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6
Term2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 The Awangaleema Tree Journey Story Toolkit: Openings Innovation: Substitution + addition How to keep an Awangaleema Tree Happy Instructions Dr Who Defeating the monster Dialogue + alteration Should Daleks be allowed to live on earth? Discussion Adventure at Sandy Cove Finding/losing tale Settings + Re order SUN SEA SAND! Persuasion Characterisation Kidnapped Timeslip Toolkit: Suspense + prequel KIDNAPPED! Recount ( Newspaper report) George’s marvellous medicine Warning Story Endings + point of view

20 Curricuum overview


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