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Lodi Unified School District Proposed Budget -June 21, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Lodi Unified School District Proposed Budget -June 21, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lodi Unified School District 2016-17 Proposed Budget -June 21, 2016

2 Revenue $310,429,980 12/5/2018

3 Enrollment by Year 12/5/2018

4 Expenditure $308,829,534 12/5/2018 1000 Certificated Personnel
2000 Classified Personnel 3000 Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Contracted Services 6000 Capital Items 7000 Net Indirect & Debt Service 12/5/2018

5 Where did the new revenues go?
Staff Increase Special Education $771,713 STRS & PERS $3,247,388 Class Reduction (7-12) $3,532,844 PK-3 $7,147,442 2.5 Teacher Work Days $1,262,428 Step and Column $2,806,679 CTE (ROP) $1,705,816 New and Increased Programs $1,543,738 On-going cost of Employee Salary Increase $6,156,774 Employee Restoration $9,857,306 RRM $1,073,652 Where did the new revenues go?

6 Components of Fund Balance Continued…
Contingency Reserve $ 500,000 LUSD Designated for Economic Uncertainty (1.67%) $5,127,981 Grade Span Adjustment Protection $1,000,000 Instructional Material Reserve $2,000,000 Programmatic Reserves $ 225,303 Special Education Reserve $2,000,000 Carry-Over Reserve $3,500,000 Mandated Reserve for Economic Uncertainty (3%) $9,350,000 Total Reserves 8.7% 12/5/2018

7 Multi-year Projections
Revenue $310,429,980 $315,363,519 $320,610,419 Expenditures $308,829,534 $309,004,238 $315,967,120 Ending Balance $27,003, % $33,362, % $38,006, % 12/5/2018

8 Budget Summary Key Assumptions
Enrollment increased matching enrollment and increase over Multi-year projection shows a faster funding of the remaining gap funding for LCFF ( ). Most of this funding will be needed to fund future employee retirement for Shown in budget as increase to ending fund balance (One-time dollar). If the extension of Prop. 39 fails Prop. 98 will go into deficit funding. COLA projection of 0% and low future years will encroach on funding. 12/5/2018

9 Special Thanks Angel Murnan, Director of Budgets, and the Budget Department Maria Fong, Controller, and the Accounting Department And, to the Board of Education 12/5/2018

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