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Team 11- Central Avenue Business District Operating System

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Presentation on theme: "Team 11- Central Avenue Business District Operating System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team 11- Central Avenue Business District Operating System
Muzzammil Imam- Project Manager, Implementer Jason Loewy - Implementer Fan Xu -Tester, Trainer Adarsh Khare- Tester,Trainer (DEN) Kathleen Barrera - Integrated Independent Verification & Validation,QFP 1

2 Agenda / Outline What is CCD? Core Capabilities Implemented thus far
Tailoring CCD? Concern Logs

3 Core Capabilities Implemented
CR-1: Employees sign in and sign out CR-2: Interface: must pass the payroll data to ADP for payroll processing CR-4: An interface for entering employee information: Name, Contact Info, Performance History/Reviews, Pay increase history CR-7: Administrator is allowed to set user permission level and change passwords. Mangers allowed to access data.

4 Core Capabilities Implemented ( Contd.. )
CR-5: Track inventory as employees check them in and outreach day. Track who checked them out, and the amount of materials consumed. CR-13: Inventory Management System pulls user login and employee information from the Timetrex database. (Database Synchronization)

5 Tailoring CCD User Manual A detailed user manual would be provided to help client representative to use the system completely by himself. Product Trial Client would use the system end-to-end on his own. CCD Scenarios Those scenarios that are not covered will be shown.

6 Product Trial Client would be asked to use the system completely on his own so development team can record the reactions and feedback. Development team would try not to interfere at all and see the outcome of demo. Client suggestions and recommendations are very welcome during the demonstration.

7 CCD Feedback Concern Logs Feed back forms for client
Team record document Subset of Acceptance Tests

8 Demonstration Time !

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