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Myths about sign language

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Presentation on theme: "Myths about sign language"— Presentation transcript:

1 Myths about sign language

2 Myths about sign language ASL is used throughout world

3 Sign Language Myths about sign language ASL is used throughout world
Sign is simple language

4 Sign Language Myths about sign language ASL is used throughout world
Sign is simple language All deaf in US use ASL

5 Sign Language Myths about sign language ASL is used throughout world
Sign is simple language All deaf in US use ASL Sign languages are easy to learn

6 Sign Language Myths about sign language ASL is used throughout world
Sign is simple language All deaf in US use ASL Sign languages are easy to learn Parent of deaf children learn sign

7 Sign Language Myths about sign language ASL is used throughout world
Sign is simple language All deaf in US use ASL Sign languages are easy to learn Parent of deaf children learn sign Sign language is purely iconic

8 Sign Language Myths about sign language ASL is used throughout world
Sign is simple language All deaf in US use ASL Sign languages are easy to learn Parent of deaf children learn sign Sign language is purely iconic Sign languages have no grammar

9 Sign Language Myths about sign language ASL is used throughout world
Sign is simple language All deaf in US use ASL Sign languages are easy to learn Parent of deaf children learn sign Sign language is purely iconic Sign languages have no grammar ASL is just signed English/finger spelling

10 Sign Language Myths about sign language ASL is used throughout world
Sign is simple language All deaf in US use ASL Sign languages are easy to learn Parent of deaf children learn sign Sign language is purely iconic Sign languages have no grammar ASL is just signed English/finger spelling Sign doesn't change of have dialects

11 Sign Language ASL versus English

12 Sign Language ASL versus English Plural is suffix in English
In ASL plural is done with quantifier sign or reduplication

13 Sign Language ASL versus English Plural is suffix in English
In ASL plural is done with quantifier sign or reduplication Tense is marked with words and suffixes In ASL past is behind body and future far in front of body. Where sign is done shows tense. In English question is marked with inflection or word order In ASL raised eyebrows mark question

14 Sign Language ASL versus English Plural is suffix in English
In ASL plural is done with quantifier sign or reduplication Tense is marked with words and suffixes In ASL past is behind body and future far in front of body. Where sign is done shows tense. In English question is marked with inflection or word order In ASL raised eyebrows mark question In English question words begin sentence In ASL they are at the end of the sentence

15 Does ASL count as a foreign language requirement?
Sign Language Does ASL count as a foreign language requirement?

16 Sign Language Spoken languages use: Sounds in different sequences
Words in different sequences Tone changes

17 Sign Language Spoken languages use: Sounds in different sequences
Words in different sequences Tone changes Signed languages use Different hand shapes Movement of the hands Position of the hands Facial expressions

18 Language Death What kills languages?

19 What kills languages? Physical death Disease War Natural disasters
Language Death What kills languages? Physical death Disease War Natural disasters

20 Language Death What kills languages? Physical death Disease War
Natural disasters Social reasons Avoid discrimination Employment/social advancement Avoid punishment/imprisonment

21 Language Death #1 thing that kills a language?
Parent stop talking to their children in the langauge

22 Language Revitalization
Resurrecting a dead (or nearly dead ) language

23 Language Revitalization
Resurrecting a dead (or nearly dead ) language Best way to do this? Speak to your children

24 Language Revitalization
Resurrecting a dead (or nearly dead ) language Best way to do this? Speak to your children 2nd best way? Classes

25 Language Revitalization
How fluent do L2 speakers get with classroom instruction?

26 Language Revitalization
How fluent do L2 speakers get with classroom instruction? What produces fluency?

27 Language Revitalization
How fluent do L2 speakers get with classroom instruction? What produces fluency? Is classroom experience different for heritage language learners?

28 Language Revitalization
When a language dies that is the equivalent to dropping a bomb on a museum

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