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Clicker Review: Unit 4 Muscular System

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1 Clicker Review: Unit 4 Muscular System

2 Which of the following is not a function of the muscular system?
Movement Thermogenesis Maintain posture Support joints All are functions

3 Muscle fibers are considered “excitable.” What does this mean?
They can shorten & thicken They can produce electrical signals They can elongate without damaging the tissue The can return to their original position

4 Which of the following is not a difference between the 3 types of muscular tissue?
Smooth & cardiac tissue contract involuntarily but skeletal tissue contracts voluntarily Smooth & cardiac tissue have 1 nucleus but skeletal tissue is multinucleated Smooth & cardiac muscle cells are joined by electrical junctions but skeletal muscle cells are joined by neuromuscular junctions Both 1 & 2 Statements #1-3 are true.

5 Muscle cells are called…?
myofibrils myofilaments fibers sarcomeres

6 The immovable end of a muscle is called the …?
Insertion Proximal tendon Distal tendon Origin

7 Muscles that contract and assist the prime mover are called…
Agonists Synergists Antagonists Fixators

8 What is this called? perimysium epimysium endomysium Fasicle Fascia

9 What is this called? perimysium epimysium endomysium Fasicle Fascia

10 What is this called? perimysium epimysium endomysium Fasicle Fascia

11 What proteins make up the “thin” filaments?
Myosin, actin, myofilaments Myosin, actin, troponin, tropomyosin Actin, troponin, tropomyosin troponin, tropomyosin

12 What is this synapse called?
Motor endplate Chemical synapse Neuromuscular junction Neurotransmitter junction

13 What is this structure? Muscle fiber Sensory cell Motor neuron
None of the above

14 What are the “circles?” vesicles neurotransmitters mitochondria
Acetylcholine receptor sites

15 The blue line (muscle fiber cell membrane) is called?
Sarcoplasmic reticulum Sarcolemma/motor end plate Sarcomere None of the above

16 What is the functional unit of a muscle?
Sarcomere Neuromuscular junctions Muscle fibers Actin and myosin

17 When 1 neuron (nerve cell) sends a signal to 25 muscle fibers, this group is called a what?
Nerve group Neurotransmitter cluster Motor unit

18 What makes up the red line?
Actin Myosin Troponin Myofibril

19 The myofilaments have decreased in length to achieve contraction.

20 What causes Myosin to release from Actin?
Troponin Tropomyosin ATP Calcium

21 What pulls the actin filaments inwards to shorten a muscle?
Sarcomeres Myosin Sarcoplasmic reticulum T-tubule

22 When the nervous impulse stops, what happens?
Tropomyosin is moved & uncovers the myosin binding sites Acetylcholine is released into the synaptic cleft ATP is no longer produced Calcium is pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum

23 What is the name of this muscle?
Masseter Semitendonosous Zygomaticus Platysma Serratus anterior

24 What is the name of another muscle that helps you smile?
Buccinator Semitendonosous Trapezius Platysma Risorius

25 What is the name of this muscle?
Masseter Platysma Obicularis oris Buccinator Rectus femoris

26 What is the name the muscle that causes you to frown between eyebrows?
Serratus anterior Procerus Masseter Termporal Gracilis

27 What is the name of this muscle?
Serratus anterior Rectus abdominus Vastus lateralis External abdominal oblique Gracilis

28 What is the name of this muscle?
Soleus Gastrocnemius Vastus lateralis Sartorius Gracilis

29 What is the name of this muscle?
Vastus medialis Semitendonosus Semimembranosus Biceps brachii Biceps femoris

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