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Independent Reading Log

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1 Independent Reading Log
NAME: Due: Independent Reading Log You are expected to read at least 4 nights a week for a total of at least 80 minutes (about 20 minutes a night.) You CAN read MORE if you want. Remember to take an AR test if you finish an AR book. Fill out an entry each night you read. Below is an example. You will get a grade every 2 weeks based on your reading log. Date Began Book? Continued book? Finished book? Book Title Last page read: Time spent reading: Parent Initial 8/18 - Yes Percy Jackson 57 20 min.  SC  How are the main characters feeling during this part of the book? _________is feeling ____________ because ________________. Percy is feeling very tired and scared because he just escaped from the Minotaur, but he doesn’t know what happened to his mom. Date Began Book? Continued book? Finished book? Book Title Last page read: Time spent reading: Parent Initial How are the main characters feeling during this part of the book? _________is feeling ____________ because ________________. Date Began Book? Continued book? Finished book? Book Title Last page read: Time spent reading: Parent Initial What is the setting of the book so far? The book takes place in ____(where)____ during ___(when)____. Date Began Book? Continued book? Finished book? Book Title Last page read: Time spent reading: Parent Initial What has happened that was surprising? I did not expect ________. It was surprising because _____________. Date Began Book? Continued book? Finished book? Book Title Last page read: Time spent reading: Parent Initial What do you think will happen next? I predict _______ because ________.

2 Total DAYS read: ______ Total TIME read: ______ GRADE:
Date Began Book? Continued book? Finished book? Book Title Last page read: Time spent reading: Parent Initial Who is your favorite character? My favorite character is _________ because _______ Date Began Book? Continued book? Finished book? Book Title Last page read: Time spent reading: Parent Initial Make a connection with this book. This book reminds me of _________________ because ___________________. Date Began Book? Continued book? Finished book? Book Title Last page read: Time spent reading: Parent Initial What is the theme? I think the theme (author’s message or moral) is ___________ because ______________. Date Began Book? Continued book? Finished book? Book Title Last page read: Time spent reading: Parent Initial Pick an important description or piece of dialogue in the book. Why was it important? On page ____ it said “_______________.” This is important because ___________________. Date Began Book? Continued book? Finished book? Book Title Last page read: Time spent reading: Parent Initial What has been your favorite part of the book so far? I really liked ______ because _______. Total DAYS read: ______ Total TIME read: ______ GRADE: Should be a minimum of 8 days / 160 minutes

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