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BIOLOGY: COURSE OUTLINE & POLICIES – Fall / Spring 2011/2012

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1 BIOLOGY: COURSE OUTLINE & POLICIES – Fall / Spring 2011/2012
Mr. Weitzhandler Room 329 Phone (503) Welcome to Biology. During this course, we will be investigating the living world around us. You will discover through reading, discussion and experimentation, the basic concepts of Biology and the facts upon which they are based. The knowledge you will gain will help you to improve the quality of your life and appreciate the planet we share. Listed below are the topics we will cover in Biology. These topics were chosen to match the CIM/Grade 10 benchmarks in Life Science that will be covered on the state assessment in science. Principles of Cell Biology Principles of Evolution Principles of Genetics Principles of Ecology CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Students will: *Be Safe*, *Be Respectful*, *Be Responsible* TARDIES: 1st time: Verbal warning 2nd time: Verbal warning. Parent(s) / Guardian may be notified. 3rd time: Student will stay after school 30 minutes. You will receive a disciplinary referral for a no show. 4th time: Students will stay after school 60 minutes. You will receive a disciplinary referral for a no show. 5th time: Disciplinary referral to the associate principal. LATE ASSIGNMENTS: - All assignments are expected to be turned in on time. Work is considered late if it is not turned in when requested by Mr. W. I will correct work handed in on time promptly, while I will correct late work for reduced credit when I have the time. All late assignments must be turned in before the corresponding Chapter Test in order to receive credit. If you miss taking a test / quiz with the class, please be aware that you will be given a different form of the test / quiz. It is your responsibility to schedule a makeup time to take any missed test or quiz. You are responsible for turning in all work missed when you are absent. Make-up work can be obtained from a reliable classmate or from reading the class daily planner kept at the front of the room and requesting the needed handouts from Mr. W. ELECTRONIC DEVICES: All electronic devices need to be TURNED OFF and PUT AWAY PRIOR to entering the classroom. I will confiscate any electronic device that I see. These devices will be kept in the room or turned in to the attendance office where they may be picked up at the end of the day. START / END OF CLASS: Students need to be in assigned seats, quiet, and recording daily planner entry when the beginning bell rings. Students will be quiet and attentive during announcements. Pencils need to be sharpened PRIOR to the beginning bell. Do not interrupt direct instruction by sharpening pencils. Come to class with all needed materials. Towards the end of the period, students need to be in their seats until the ending bell rings (no gathering at the door). Class will never be dismissed “early”.

2 HALL PASSES Following school policy, a student must have a hall pass to leave the classroom. No passes will be given during the first & last 10 minutes of class. . GRADING The quarter grade will be based on the percentage of points earned out of the total points possible. The grading scale is as follows: 90 – 100% A 70 – 79% C < 60% F 80 – 89% B 60 – 69% D Tests are worth 30 – 60 points, homework 5 – 15 points, labs 5 – 50 points, quizzes 5 – 20 points, special projects 50 – 200 points, note packets 30 – 60 points. Note packets will be turned in before every Chapter test. Please keep the above outline / policies handout in your science notebook for future reference. Cut out the below section at the dashed line and return the bottom section (with both student & parent / guardian signatures) to Mr. Weitzhandler for 5 points credit. Please return this bottom section (with both student & parent / guardian signatures) to Mr. Weitzhandler for 5 points credit. I, __________________________, have read and understand the classroom policies that are listed above. STUDENT SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________________________________DATE ____________ PARENT / GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________________________________DATE ____________

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