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Best Fit Books are the Best Books!

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Presentation on theme: "Best Fit Books are the Best Books!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Fit Books are the Best Books!
Finding a Just Right Book for YOU! Mrs. Brown Newbury Elementary School Library Media Center

2 Finding the right fit… Would you wear shoes that are too small?
Would you wear shoes that are too large?

3 Would you wear these shoes to gym?
No !

4 Would you wear these shoes to
Soccer practice? Ballet Class? No! Let’s try again…

5 Soccer practice Ballet Class

6 We want to be sure we are reading books that fit us!

7 Every shoe has a purpose. Can you match the shoes with the activity?

8 Think about the purpose of your book.
You are writing a report on squirrels, which book would you use? OR

9 You are right! For a report you want to read a book that will
give you factual information about squirrels. This will be the purpose of the book.

10 What types of shoes do you have in your closet?
Why? Because you have an interest in…

11 Select a book that will interest YOU!
Mysteries Sports Space Pets Frogs Adventure Horses

12 Make sure you understand what you are reading…
“The taxonomic status of right whales has been the subject of mild controversy for over 30 years. A review joined right whales and bow heads together under the genus Balaena based on morphological characteristics and combined right whales species into Balaena Glacialis.”

13 and that you know most of the words.
Blue whales are the largest animal to live on earth. Blue whales are an endangered animal.

14 I PICK I I look at a book P Purpose – Why do I want to read it?
I Interest – Does it interest me? C Comprehension – Do I understand it? K Know – I know most of the words.

15 Make sure your book is a good fit!
Your library is a great place to try different books on for size. Keep reading to find the just right book for you!


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