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Property Law China EU Law School.

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1 Property Law China EU Law School

2 Development of English Law Land Law Personal Property Law (if time)
Contents Introduction Development of English Law Land Law Personal Property Law (if time) Concluding remarks

3 Development of English Law
1066 – Beginning of the Common Law 1066 – 1450 Formative Period After 1500 Common law was set After 1500 Rise of Equity (trusts) 1870s Merger of jurisdictions through court reform

4 Feudal System, mainly based in Common Law All sorts of fees existed
Land Law Feudal System, mainly based in Common Law All sorts of fees existed Fee Simple Fee Tail Life estate

5 Reform with Law of Property Acts 1925
Land Law Reform with Law of Property Acts 1925 Includes Law of Property Act 1925, S.1. ‘1. Legal estates and equitable interests The only estates in land which are capable of subsisting or of being conveyed or created at law are – a) An estate in fee simple absolute in possession; b) A term of years absolute....’

6 Land Law Legal Estates Fee Simple Term of Years

7 Term of Years (a.k.a. Leasehold)
Land Law Term of Years (a.k.a. Leasehold) Street v Mountford [1985] AC 809, HL per Lord Templeman Exlusive Possession of Land For a Limited Period of Time That can be determined

8 Term of Years (a.k.a. Leasehold)
Land Law Term of Years (a.k.a. Leasehold) Personal right because it came after the formative period of common law But lessees got access to the real actions Therefore, privity of estate rather than privity of contract

9 S1 LPA 1925: Land Law Equity is the rest-category
(3) All other estates, interests, and charges in or over land take effect as equitable interests’. Equity is the rest-category If an equitable right exists, and it is not a specific property right such as an easement or a charge, a trust exists also.

10 Maxims of Equity Equity Equity follows the law
You must come to equity with clean hands Equity looks at that as done which ought to be done

11 No feudal system for chattels
Personal Property Law No feudal system for chattels No estates, but rights No fee simple but title No lease, but bailment Therefore different rules, but similar approach Also law and equity exist: E.g. Mortgage and equity of redemption

12 English law is one system of law It comprises:
Concluding Remarks English law is one system of law It comprises: Common law and Equity Land law and personal property law We must (try to) understand it as one system

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