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Please take a moment to silence your cell phones before the service.

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Presentation on theme: "Please take a moment to silence your cell phones before the service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please take a moment to silence your cell phones before the service.
shhh Please take a moment to silence your cell phones before the service. Thank you!

2 prayers are appreciated.
New Sound System Please bear with us as we learn the new sound board and work out the kinks. The Technical team apologizes in advance for any inconvenience. Your patience and prayers are appreciated.

3 Be that friendly face in the morning See Ellen Doyle to sign-up!
Coffee Fellowship Job Title: Coffee Helper Duties: Set up, clean up, making coffee, tea, etc No experience required, Training provided Commitment: 1 Sunday every 6 weeks Special Skills: A Friendly Smile Be that friendly face in the morning See Ellen Doyle to sign-up!

4 Coming Soon July 18th – July 21st 6:00 – 8:00pm Ages years old

5 Banwell is Recycling Please place all paper cups, napkins and paper plates in the WHITE garbage bins. Thank you for helping us help the Planet!

6 Salad and all the fixing
Sunday, June 12th … right after the morning service Banwell’s Annual Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Salad and all the fixing will be provided… Freewill Offering Just Bring a Lawn Chair!

7 Men of Courage Wednesday, June 8th Next meeting:
@ 6:45pm in the Fireside Room I never knew a man that accepted Christ and regretted it. (Billy Graham) *Contact Ken Heuston for more information.

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