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Notebook Instructions

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Presentation on theme: "Notebook Instructions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Notebook Instructions
Begin by numbering the first 25 pages of your notebook. Number the front and back of each page in the outside upper corner. When your notebook is open flat, even numbers should always be on the left and odd numbers should always be on the right.

2 Notebook Instructions
On the Page 1 of your notebook, write: Your name World History II Mrs. Riggan—Pd. ___ You can illustrate the rest of the page however you like, but please keep it appropriate—you will be handing your notebook into me.

3 Notebook Instructions
At the top of page 2, write the title, “Table of Contents.” Glue your syllabus on p Since there is writing on both the front and back of your syllabus, only glue down one edge (top or left) so you can lift the page and see the back.

4 Notebook Instructions
Glue Instructions for Identifications at the top of p. 11. Glue Instructions for Reading Responses on the bottom of p. 11.

5 Notebook Instructions
Glue your Independent Points Assignment Sheet on p. 12. Glue your instructions for current events and the movie and book list on p. 13 Skip pp for now.

6 Notebook Instructions
Glue your Developing Nations handout on p. 20 Skip p. 21 for right now. ID list for Current Conflicts on the top of p. 22

7 Notebook Instructions
Turn back to p. 2 and copy the following: p. 10 Syllabus p. 11 Instructions for IDs and Reading Responses pp Independent Points p Reading Responses p. 18 Timeline : Personal and World History p. 19 Essay—World History p. 20 Developing Nations Handout p. 21 Identification--Developing Nations p. 22 Identifications List: Current Conflicts

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