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No homework to turn in! Welcome back!

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Presentation on theme: "No homework to turn in! Welcome back!"— Presentation transcript:

1 No homework to turn in! Welcome back!
March 22-23 No homework to turn in! Welcome back!

2 Agenda: DAYS UNTIL STAAR Global Soap Project
Expository Essay “Speed Dating” Expository Writing Dos and Don’ts Connected OER Review DAYS UNTIL STAAR

3 Global Soap Project QUICK review over Revise and Edit methods!
Read the sentence above and the sentence below For example, if a question asks you about sentence 20, read sentences Replacement Go through each possible answer and read the sentence with the revision Check a Dictionary! Especially for questions on spelling!

4 Get out notebook paper for notes!

5 Expository Essay Speed Dating
You are going to look at 4 prompts. For each one, you will write down any specific examples you can think of that would support your answer. In your essay, you will only write about 1 or 2 examples. After you’ve come up with your ideas, highlight the 1 or 2 you could use. Draw 4 of these tables. Working thesis With “because” or “in order to.” Personal Example Historical Example Literary Example Social/ Current Event Example

6 Prompt #1

7 Working thesis With “because” or “in order to.” Personal Example Historical Example Literary Example Social/ Current Event Example

8 Prompt #2

9 Working thesis With “because” or “in order to.” Personal Example Historical Example Literary Example Social/ Current Event Example

10 Prompt #3

11 Working thesis With “because” or “in order to.” Personal Example Historical Example Literary Example Social/ Current Event Example

12 Prompt #4

13 Working thesis With “because” or “in order to.” Personal Example Historical Example Literary Example Social/ Current Event Example

14 Expository Writing Do’s and Dont’s
Expository = Explain Expository writing explains your thinking in a clear and complete way.

15 Keys to Good Expository Writing
Good paragraph organization Thorough development of ideas Control of language usage All three can be accomplished if you PREWRITE

16 Prewriting method Free-write / Brainstorming:
*On this side of the scratch piece of paper, take 5-10 minutes to write multiple answers to the prompt with their own ideas and examples *Remember, your first idea may not be your best! *We will look at an example next Intro: *List possible hooks and thesis statements. Body: *This “cell” may be split up if you decide to write more than 1 body paragraph. Conclusion: *List possible closing statements. Prewriting method

17 The Prompt: Do’s and Don’ts
DO: Read the “Write” portion of the prompt first. DON’T: Skip ANY portion of the prompt. Including the “Be sure to-” portion. DO: Use a dictionary for any portion of the prompt you are unsure of. DON’T: Leave out one side of the prompt. Expository essays explore both “sides” of the prompt.

18 Timing Do’s and Don’ts DO: Write out a time plan somewhere in your booklet. 1 hour for Multiple Choice 1 hour for each short answer 1-1.5 hours for essay writing and revising. That leaves a little of time to review your answer sheet, revise, and pace. DON’T: skip PLANNING! Writing your essay will take much longer if you don’t plan. 15-20 minutes to plan, to draft, 10 to revise, and 15 to copy a final draft to your answer sheet. DON’T: spend 5 minutes on planning and then just start writing.

19 Writing Do’s and Don’ts
DO: indent your paragraphs to show good paragraph organization. DON’T: skip lines. Start at the top line and use all lines until you are done. DO: Try to write approx words per line. It is not necessary to fill every line, but it is necessary to completely develop your ideas. DON’T: Restate the prompt in your thesis without providing an answer or response. DO: Pace your planning and writing. Make sure you leave time for revision! DON’T: Leave any of the drafting pages blank.

20 Quick review! What is the other side of this prompt? Remember:
Read this first! When your thesis is written, think: Does this answer the “write” portion? Read everything! Especially this portion! Consider this your “check list.” Use a dictionary!

21 “Creative Solutions to Life’s Challenges” and “Back Home”
Look for similarities as you read

22 “Creative Solutions to Life’s Challenges” and “Back Home”
23. A F 24. H C 25. B 36 G 26. F C 27. D “Creative Solutions to Life’s Challenges” and “Back Home” Answers to MC

23 STAAR Crossover OERs

24 Rubric

25 Crossover OER Overall Description 2 Idea is reasonable and beyond literal reading of text for both selections; Specific enough to allow appropriate connections and valid conclusions; Text evidence is accurate and relevant; Demonstrates a good understanding of the text. 3 Idea is perceptive and reflects awareness of the complexities of the text; Coherent explanation; Text evidence is well chosen for BOTH selections; Evidence strongly supports validity of the idea; Demonstrates a deep understanding of the text. Considered Passing


27 To Answer Crossover OERs:
AT2E Sentence 1 – Answer the question. Sentence 2 - Embed your Text evidence Transition Word! Sentence 2 - Embed your Text evidence. Sentence 4 - Provide your Explanation. *****Your OER may have more than 4 sentences. This format provides you with the minimum required to craft a sufficient response.

28 A → Present your Answer in your own words
A → Present your Answer in your own words. Remember, do not echo the prompt! T→ Provide 1 piece of the best TEXT evidence present within the article. Remember to embed! Transition Word E → Connect your embedded evidence to your Claim by presenting clear Explanation.

29 Let’s do this

30 A 3 from last year:

31 Homework: Connected OER with Multiple Choice Questions Due 3/23-34
Membean Sun. at 11:59

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