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August 10, 2015 (Day 1) 9th Grade Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "August 10, 2015 (Day 1) 9th Grade Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 10, 2015 (Day 1) 9th Grade Physics

2 Bell Work: In your composition notebook:
What does it mean to do quality work? How do you know you have done quality work? What can you use to ensure that you have done quality work in class?

3 I will understand what quality work means.
Objectives: By the end of class: I will understand what quality work means. I will be able to tell what the routines of the classroom is. I will get to know my classmates.

4 Gallery Walk: Using the paper provided, determine which posters are of A quality work and of an F quality work. DO NOT talk to each other. Each letter grade should have a reason. You have one song to complete it.

5 Oral Presentation: You will be introducing each other using the Double Bubble Map you created. Listen Attentively, Be Respectful

6 Classroom Routines: Think-Pair-Share
With a classmate, you will explain to each other the classroom routines in the class. Bell Work Leaving the Classroom (Restroom Too) Desk Arrangement Turning in Late Work Quality Work Assignment Log

7 Homework: Write a comparison essay of you and your classmate.
It should be at least three (3) paragraphs. Remember, you have everything you need to write it and it’s organized. Due – Thursday 8/13

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