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December 2013 RMHS Counseling Department. COUNSELORSTUDENTS LAST NAME Mrs. Erica LeBrightA, B, Fadillah - Flax Mrs. Shannon ChenC, D, U, X Ms. Evan AndersonG,

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Presentation on theme: "December 2013 RMHS Counseling Department. COUNSELORSTUDENTS LAST NAME Mrs. Erica LeBrightA, B, Fadillah - Flax Mrs. Shannon ChenC, D, U, X Ms. Evan AndersonG,"— Presentation transcript:

1 December 2013 RMHS Counseling Department

2 COUNSELORSTUDENTS LAST NAME Mrs. Erica LeBrightA, B, Fadillah - Flax Mrs. Shannon ChenC, D, U, X Ms. Evan AndersonG, H, Fletcher - Funez Mr. John RandallK Mrs. Theresa CheeM, P Ms. Molly BowlingS, T Mrs. Ariella GilbertE, L, W Mrs. Brigid McKelvey J, N, O, V, Y, Z Ms. Sylvia Costa (.5)I, Q, R

3 SmithJames 123456 Bowling Amy Smith 301-279-0001 301-514-1111 301-279-0002 11/19/1999 301-279-0003 Jack Smith 301-279-0001 202-622-1111 301-279-0004

4 Algebra 1 CODE SEMESTER 1 COURSES CODE SEMESTER 2 COURSES 1) 1311 1313 ESOL____ English 9A Honors English 9A 1) 1312 1314 ESOL___ English 9B Honors English 9B 2) 2110 2111 US History A Honors US History A 2) 2112 2113 US History B Honors US History B 3)Mathematics (JWMS Teacher Recommendation) 3)Mathematics (JWMS Teacher Recommendation) 4) 3750 3765 3621 Matter and Energy B Honors Matter and Energy B Honors Biology A 4) 3749 3764 3622 Matter and Energy A Honors Matter and Energy A Honors Biology B


6 French 1A French 1B Chinese 1A Chinese 1B OR Spanish 2ASpanish 2B


8 Course #Course TitleNotes/Pre-requisites 7720 / 7721General Physical Educationmultiple sports played 774801 / 774802Specialty Soccer 775201 / 775202Specialty Weight Trainingmales only 775211 / 775212Specialty Weight Training/Body Sculptingfemales only 774201 / 774202Specialty Basketball 774601 / 774602Specialty Flag Football 775101 / 775102Specialty Volleyball 773701 / 773702Net Sports 774501 / 774502Personal Fitness

9 Specialty soccer 774801 774802 Specialty basketball 774201/ 774202 Specialty flag football 774601/ 774602

10 Course #Course TitleNotes/Pre-requisites 6454 / 6455Art and Culture 6381 / 6391Ceramics 1 6496 / 6497Digital Art 6355 / 6356Drawing and DesignCompleted Foundations of Art at JW 6055 / 6056Foundations of Art 6345 / 6346Photography 135mm SLR Film Camera Strongly Recommended 6711 / 6712Chorus 1 (Treble Chorale)open to all students 6731 / 6732Choir Concertby audition only 6743 / 6744Honors Chamber Singers (Madrigals)by audition only 6520 / 6521Piano 1 6585 / 6586Guitar 1 6821 / 6822Concert Bandopen to all 6826 / 6827Symphonic Band (Wind Ensemble)by audition only 6851 / 6852Concert Orchestrastrings only, but open to all 6866 / 6867Symphonic Orchestra (Chamber Orchestra) by audition only 6871 / 6872Jazz Ensembleby audition only 6926 / 6927Theater 1

11 Course #Course TitleNotes/Pre-requisites 5161 / 5162Foundations of Technology A/B 5152 / 5153Introduction to Engineering Designmust be taking Geometry or higher 5150 / 5151Principles of Engineering A/B - Honorsmust be taking Algebra 2 or higher Design Technology Elective Options

12 Photography 1B 6346 6345Photography 1A Foundations of Technology A 5161 Foundations of Technology B5162

13 Instrumental Music Teacher Mr. Peter Perry Choral Music Teacher Mr. Ron Frezzo

14 Talk with your teachers for your class recommendations. Talk to your counselor at JW. Review this presentation on the counseling page of the JW website.

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