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Peng Wang Sichuan University

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1 Peng Wang Sichuan University
Implications of Minimal Length Scale on Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory Peng Wang Sichuan University 弦论、粒子物理和宇宙学201​2研讨会 2012/10/27

2 Why Minimal Length Suggested by Quantum Gravity. Observed in perturbative String Theory. Consider a particle with energy E which is not a black hole, Its radius r must satisfy where 1/E Compton Length and E come from Hoop conjecture proposed by Kip Thorne.

3 Higher Energy needed to probe shorter distance, but if energy is too high what happens?

4 Effective Model Generalized Uncertainty Principles (GUP)
For the Usual QM For GUP modified QM, is model dependent. For example

5 Minimal Length Uncertainty Relation
Assume Start with This leads to

6 GUP Modified Schrödinger Equation
Start with Representation of x and p In “coordinate” space The Hamiltonian

7 Phys.Lett.B678: ,2009, arXiv: arXiv:

8 Finite Square Potential
We only consider bound state(0<E<V0) Stationary Schrödinger Equations: To order of To order of Impose symmetry

9 Solutions to order of Boundary Conditions Symmetry

10 Solutions to order of Boundary Conditions Symmetry

11 Punch Line Sharp Potentials are not appropriate in GUP and hence one may resort to smooth potentials. Future work: Consider the potential . It is interesting to see what happens as

12 What is the Schwinger Mechanism?
The Schwinger mechanism refers to the production of charged fermion-antifermion pairs out of the vacuum by a static external electric field. Non-perturbative particle production in a strong classical electric field. It has motivated analysis in many parts of particle physics and quantum field theory: Models of string breaking in QCD Insights into Hawking radiation near black holes Schematics of semi-classical tunneling

13 Derivation of Schwinger Formula
Using path integral, the vacuum to vacuum amplitude where L is a Lagrangian for a charged spinor and are eigenvalues of The rate per unit volume per unit time for pair production in a constant electrical field is

14 GUP Modified QFT Model (a)
where they consider modified commutators and simply replace for a gauge field theory Finally, one has for a charged fermion

15 GUP Modified QFT Model (b)
where they define frequency and wave vector through and make replacement for a gauge field theory Finally, one has for a charged fermion

16 GUP Modified Schwinger Formula
Model (a) Model (b) Up to

17 Uncertainty Principles and Hawking Temperature
Ordinary QM GUP

18 Schwinger Mechanism and Hawking Temperature (Naive) Ordinary

19 Schwinger Mechanism and Hawking Temperature (Naive) GUP

20 Conclusion Finite potential square is considered in GUP framework. We claim that sharp potential is not appropriate in GUP. Pair production rates in a constant electrical field are calculated in two models of GUP modified QFT. Through hand waving arguments, we can obtain expressions for Hawking temperature from the pair production rates.

21 Welcome to Chengdu Have a good time.

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