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Graphic Organizers This week’s lesson will be on graphic organizers.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphic Organizers This week’s lesson will be on graphic organizers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphic Organizers This week’s lesson will be on graphic organizers.

2 Graphic Organizers A graphic organizers is a visual representation of information that can be used to aid in comprehension and construction of meaning and understanding of concepts.

3 Types of Organizers Concept Maps Double Cell Diagrams Hierarchy Diagrams Venn Diagrams Comparison Matrices KWL Charts

4 Venn Diagrams Venn Diagrams consist of two or more circles where the overlap indicates shared characteristics.

5 Venn Diagrams Here is a science example comparing seeds and bulbs.

6 Comparison Matrices Comparison matrices are essentially tables that allow students to compare characteristics of two or more things. You could create a table where students compared various aspects of the animal kingdoms (# of heart valves, nervous systems, reproduction, locomotion, etc) as well.

7 KWL What do I know? What do I want to learn? What did I learn?
A KWL chart is typically used in the elementary grades. I cannot imagine using one in high school – but other teachers do employ them.

8 Concept Maps Based on David Ausubel’s (1968) Assimilation Theory, a cognitive theory A diagram showing the relationship among concepts. A graphical tool for organizing and representing knowledge.

9 Joseph Novak “father” of the concept map
Based on Ausubel’s assimilation theory Rooted in constructivism Take a pause here and read the Novak article I included in your lesson folder.

10 Concept Map Structure In looking at the structure of a concept map, you have a word bank, a focus question and the guiding concept (in this case, the universe). From there, you offer prompts or connections to the next boxes. Some boxes you will leave empty for students to complete while others you provide to offer guidance. You may also want to add “cross links” that connect the branches showing where concepts overlap or connect.

11 Concept Maps on the Web CmapTools :
Inspiration : (Webspiration – work collaboratively online) SmartDraw : Freemind - Here are several links to software you can use to create concept maps. (on the bottom two, just look for the download link once you get to the pages) Some are free while others offer a 30 day free trial.

12 Concept Map Apps iPad iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad Droid iThoughts HD
Adobe Ideas iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad SimpleMindX Droid Mind Map Thinking Space Additionally, you can investigate Concept Map Applications for ipods and smart phones.

13 Assignment Create a concept map for use in your classroom. This map should contain a word bank. Use graphics when appropriate as well as prompts. Create a teacher version (with answers) and a blank version for students. Use may use any resource to design and create your concept map.

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