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Multiple Continuous RV

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1 Multiple Continuous RV
Probability and Random Processes for Computer Engineering 1st semester 2009 (June – September) Lecture # 10 Multiple Continuous RV รศ.ดร. อนันต์ ผลเพิ่ม Assoc.Prof.Anan Phonphoem, Ph.D. Intelligent Wireless Network Group (IWING Lab) Computer Engineering Department Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand

2 Joint CDF Pairs of Random Variables Discrete:
Joint PMF PX,Y(x,y) = P[X=x, Y=y] Continuous: PX,Y(x,y) = (PX(x) = 0, PY(y) = 0) For 1 RV  interval on real axis For 2 RVs  area in a plane

3 Joint CDF Definition: Joint CDF of X and Y FX,Y(x,y) = P[X  x, Y  y]

4 Interesting Properties
For Event {X  x} FX(x) = P[X  x] = P[X  x, Y  ] X Y (x, ) y   = lim FX,Y(x,y) = FX,Y(x, )

5 Joint CDF Theorem : 0  FX,Y(x,y)  1 FX(x) = FX,Y(x, )
FY(y) = FX,Y(, y) FX,Y(-, y) = FX,Y(x, -) = 0 If x1  x and y1  y then FX,Y(x1,y1) > FX,Y(x,y) (f) FX,Y(, ) = 1

6 Joint PDF  Definition: Joint PDF of X and Y is satisfied
FX,Y(x,y) = fX,Y(u,v) dv du - x y Theorem: fX,Y(x,y) = 2 FX,Y(x,y) x y

7 Joint CDF Theorem: P[x1 < X  x2, y1 < Y  y2]
= FX,Y(x2,y2) - FX,Y(x2,y1) - FX,Y(x1,y2) + FX,Y(x1,y1) X Y (x1,y2) (x2,y2) (x1,y1) (x2,y1)

8 Joint PDF   Theorem: fX,Y(x,y)  0 for all (x,y)
(b) fX,Y(x,y) dx dy = 1 - fX,Y(x,y)  0 for all (x,y) Theorem: P[A] = fX,Y(x,y) dx dy A

9 Example I    c = 1/15 Find constant c c dx dy = 15c = 1
fX,Y(x,y) = c  x  3, 0  y  5 Otherwise Find constant c X Y c dx dy = 15c = 1 3 5 P[A]  c = 1/15 Find P[A] = P[1  x  3, 2  y  3] P[A] = /15 dv du = 2/15 1 3 2

10 Example II A bank operates 1) Drive-up and 2) Walk-up windows
X = proportion of time Drive-up in use Y = proportion of time Walk-up in use The set D of possible values for (X,Y) D = {(x,y): 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1} Joint pdf Find probability that neither facility is busy > one-quarter of time 6 5 (x+y2) ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1 Otherwise f(x,y) = From Devore ‘s Book

11 Example II   f(x,y) dx dy =     
To verify that this is a legitimate pdf, f(x,y) ≥ 0 and   f(x,y) dx dy = - -   6 5 (x+y2) dx dy   0 0 1 1 = x dx dy y2 dx dy   0 0 1 1 6 5 = x dx y2 dy 1 6 5 = = 1 6 10 15

12 Example II Find probability that neither facility is busy > one-quarter of time 6 5 (x+y2) dx dy   1/4 1/4 P(0 ≤ X ≤ , 0 ≤ Y ≤ ) = 1 4 = x dx dy y2 dx dy 6 5   1/4 1/4 = 6 20 x2 2 . x = 1/4 x = 0 y3 3 y = 1/4 y = 0 + = = 7 640

13 Marginal PDF  Theorem: fX,(x) = fX,Y(x,y) dy fY,(y) = fX,Y(x,y) dx 
- fX,(x) = fX,Y(x,y) dy

14 From Example II   Find marginal pdf of X fX(x) = fX,Y(x,y) dy 6
- 1 6 5 = (x+y2) dy x + 6 5 2 = 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 Otherwise The probability distribution of busy time for Drive-up without reference to Walk-up

15 From Example II   Find marginal pdf of Y fY,(y) = fX,Y(x,y) dx 6 5
- 6 5 = (x+y2) dx 1 y2 + 6 5 3 = 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 Otherwise The probability distribution of busy time for Walk-up without reference to Drive-up

16 | Example III     c = 2 = ( cx dy) dx = cx (2x2) dx = = = 1
fX,Y(x,y) = cx  x  1, |y| < x2 Otherwise X Y Y = X2 Find constant c cx dx dy - = ( cx dy) dx 1 -x2 x2 = cx (2x2) dx 1 = cx4 2 | 1 = c 2 = 1  c = 2

17 Example III  fX,(x) = 2x dy = 4x3
Find the marginal PDF fX(x) and fY(y) fX,(x) = 2x dy = 4x3 -x2 x Fixed x (X = x) then integrate all y X Y X = x fX(x) = 4x  x  1 Otherwise

18 Example III  fY,(y) = 2x dx = 1 - |y| 1 - |y| -1  y  1 fY(y) =
Fixed y (Y = y) then integrate all x X Y Y = y fY(y) = 1 - |y|  y  1 Otherwise

19 Functions of 2 RVs Example:
Wireless based station with 2 antennas. X and Y are RVs of the signal Find the strongest signal W = X if |X| > |Y| or W = Y otherwise Find the addition of 2 signals W = X + Y Find the addition of 2 signals with weight W = aX + bY

20 Functions of 2 RVs FW(w) = P[W  w] = fX,Y(x,y) dx dy g(x,y)  w

21 Example IV  FW(w) = P[X  w, Y  w] fX,Y(x,y) dx dy =
Otherwise Find PDF of W = max(X,Y) For W = max(X,Y)  {W  w} = {X  w, Y  w} FW(w) = P[X  w, Y  w] fX,Y(x,y) dx dy - w =

22 Example IV   We can divide into 2 cases FW(w) = 1/15 dx dy = w2/15
3 0  w  3 FW(w) = /15 dx dy = w2/15 w X Y 3 3  w  5 FW(w) = ( 1/15 dx )dy = w/5 w 3

23 Example IV 0 w < 0 1 w2/15 0  w  3 w/5 3 < w  5 1 w > 5
FW(w) = w < 0 w2/  w  3 w/ < w  5 w > 5 1 fW(w) = 2w/  w  3 1/ < w  5 Otherwise

24 Expected Value  Theorem: E[W] = E[g(X,Y)] = g(x,y) fX,Y(x,y) dx dy 
- =

25 Expected Value Theorem: For g(X,Y) = g1(X,Y) + … + gn(X,Y)
E[g(X,Y)] = E[g1(X,Y)] + … + E[gn(X,Y)]

26 Expected Value Theorem: E[ X+Y ] = E[X] + E[Y]
Find E[X]  From fX,Y(x,y) Not necessary  Can find from Marginal PDF fX(x) So, we can find Var[X+Y], Cov, X,Y

27 Conditioning Joint PDF by Event
Definition: fX,Y|B(x,y) fX,Y(x,y) P[B] = (x,y)  B Otherwise

28 Conditional PDF Definition: Theorem:
fY|X(y|x) fX,Y(x,y) fX(x) = fX|Y(x|y) fX,Y(x,y) fY(y) = Theorem: fX,Y(x,y) = fY|X(y|x) fX(x) = fX|Y(x|y) fY(y)

29 Conditional Expected Value
Definition: for fY(y) > 0 E[X|Y=y] = x fX|Y(x|y) dx - Definition: for fY(y) > 0 E[g(X,Y)|Y=y] = g(x,y) fX|Y(x|y) dx -

30 Independent RVs Definition: X and Y are independent iff
fX,Y(x,y) = fX(x) fY(y) Example: fX,Y(x,y) = 4xy  x  1, 0  y  1 Otherwise Are X and Y independent ? fX(x) = 2x 0  x  1 0 Otherwise fY(y) = 2y 0  y  1 0 Otherwise For all pairs are true as definition X and Y are independent

31 Independent RVs Theorem: for independent rv X and Y
E[g(X)h(Y)] = E[g(X)]E[h(Y)] Cov [X,Y] = 0 Var [X+Y] = Var[X] + Var[Y]

32 Jointly Gaussian RV ( ) Definition: Bivariate Gaussian RV fX,Y(x,y) =
1 2 2 (x-1) (y-2) x-1 1 ( ) 2 y-2 2 + 2(1 – 2) exp 2 1 2  1 – 2 fX,Y(x,y) = 1 and 2  real number, 1 > 0, 2 > 0 and –1    1

33 Jointly Gaussian RV For 1 = 2 = 0 , 1 = 2 = 1 and  = 0, 0.9, -0.9

34 Jointly Gaussian RV  =0.9  = 0 Uncorrelated  > 0
If X  (relative to mean)  Y  If X  (relative to mean)  Y   < 0 If X  (relative to mean)  Y  If X  (relative to mean)  Y 

35  Jointly Gaussian RV e e fX,Y(x,y) = e fX(x) = e Marginal fX(x) = ?
212 1 12 –(y - 2(x))2 222 22 e ~ 1 Marginal fX(x) = ? fX(x) = e –(x - 1)2 212 1 22 –(y - 2(x))2 222 e ~ dy -

36 Jointly Gaussian RV e fX,Y(x,y) = e fX(x) = e fY(y) = e Theorem: 1
212 1 12 –(y - 2(x))2 222 22 e ~ Theorem: fX(x) = e –(x - 1)2 212 1 12 fY(y) = e –(y - 2)2 222 1 22

37 Bivariate Gaussian RV e fY|X(y|x) =
Theorem: Conditional PDF of Y given X fY|X(y|x) = –(y - 2(x))2 222 1 22 e ~

38 Joint Gaussian PDF fY|X(y|x) = Gaussian  Bell shape cross section
For 1 = 2 = 0 , 1 = 2 = 1 and  = 0.9 fY|X(y|x) = Gaussian  Bell shape cross section

39 More Than 2 RVs 2 RVs  Bivariate Joint PDF
> 2 RVs  Multivariate Joint PDF

40 Homework HW#6 has been announced in the class website
Due date: September 1, 2009

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