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Study of spin structure of nucleon in COMPASS - measurements for transversity with a transversely polarized target – T. Matsuda – Uni. of Miyazaki,

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Presentation on theme: "Study of spin structure of nucleon in COMPASS - measurements for transversity with a transversely polarized target – T. Matsuda – Uni. of Miyazaki,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Study of spin structure of nucleon in COMPASS - measurements for transversity with a transversely polarized target – T. Matsuda – Uni. of Miyazaki, Japan on behalf of the COMPASS collaboration 1. The COMPASS experiment at CERN 2. Transversity measurements 1-hadron asymmetries (Collins & Sivers asymmetries) (2) 2-hadron correlation asymmetry (3) L polarimetry 3. Summary and outlook Joint Meeting of Pacific Region Particle Physics Communities (DPF2006+JPS2006) Oct.29-Nov.03,2006 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

2 1. The COMPASS experiment at CERN
The aim of COMPASS (muon beam program) ★gluon polarization ★longitudinal quark polarizations     (g1d, Δq flavour decompositon) ★Transversity Using Longitudinal PT Transverse PT Also Hadron beam program is scheduled. Data taking History 2002 muon run (Longitudinal &Transverse Pol. Target) 2003 muon run (Longitudinal &Transverse Pol. target) 2004 muon run (L&T Pol. Target and Hadron Pilot run) 2006 muon run (only Longitudinal Pol. Target) (muon beam share: longitudinal PT 80%, transeverse PT 20%)

3 --COMPASS spectrometer--
Polarized Target SM1 RICH ECal1 & Hcal1 Muon filter 1 SM2 MWPCs Micromegas &Drift chambers ECal2 & Hcal2 Muon filter 2 GEM & MWPCs SciFi GEM & Straws Silicon Scintillating fibers ~50m Beam: 160 GeV m+ m/spill (4.8s duration/16.2s repetition) Polarization: m Beam: ~80% LiD Target:<50%> m+ beam Common Muon and Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy

4 ーCompass 6LiD Polarized targetー
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Dilution factor: ~40% Maximum Polarization:+57% 3He – 4He Dilution Cryostat Longitudinal orientation beam Transverse orientation

5 Data taking by the transversely polarized target through 2002-2004
days of data taking (19), 2 periods days of data taking (14), 1 period days of data taking (24), 2 periods trigger (large x, Q2) DAQ, on line filter Reconstructed DIS events

6 2. Transversity measurement
(0) Transversity –introduction (1) Transversity –1-hadron asymmetries ( Collins & Sivers asymmetries) (2) Transversity –2-hadron correlation asymmetry (3) Transversity –L polarimetry

7 What is Transversity? ・Nucleon structure functions
are described with 3 functions completely at leading twist in the parton model. Only DTq(x) is unknown ! ・Dq(x) is different from DTq(x) because rotation does not commute with Lorentz boost in relativity. (Dq(x)=DTq(x) in non-relativity) ・Dq(x) is a chirally even function, DTq(x) is a chirally odd function (quark helicity flip). longitudinal transverse ・DTq(x) does not couple with gluon structure function, then its evolution with Q2 will be unlike Dq(x). Inqualities (Soffer’s inequality)

8 How do we measure transversity?
Quark helicity is conserved in totally Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering(IDIS) and transversity is not measured by IDIS, because transversity needs quark helicty flip in a helicity base. (The quark coupling to gluon and photon preserve chirality.) In case of Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering(SIDIS) it is possible to measure transversity, because SIDIS allows both flip and non-flip cases. Then we measure SIDIS events to study transversity. To measure chirally odd quark distribution functions like transversity, we need phenomena with chirally odd fragmentation functions. At COMPASS we measure transversity by following 3 methods. (1) Collins asymmetry (Sivers asymmetry is measured simultaneously.) (2) 2-hadron correlation asymmetry (3) L polarimetry

9 Collins and Sivers asymmetries Collins angle & Sivers angle.
fS = azim. angle of inital quark spin fS’ = azim. angle of struck quark spin fS= p- fS’ (due to helicity conservation) fh =azim. Angle of leading hadron Leading hadron Collins angle (Azimuthal angle of a leading hadron around a struck quark spin ) FC = fh - fS’ (= fh +fS- p) Sivers angle (Azimuthal angle of a leading hadron around an initial quark spin (=nucleon spin)) FS= fh - fS Initial quark spin (Target spin) Struck quark spin Scattering plane quark direction Leading hadron (Breit frame)

10 Collins asymmerty and Sivers asymmetry
spin independent part FF: PRL96(2006)232002 Collins FF measured by BELLE spin dependent part If the spin information of the struck quark propagates to the fragment function, we observe Collins asymmetry. Transversity Collins asymmetry、 Spin-dependent FF measure transverse spin transfer coefficient If quarks move asymmetrically around nucleon spin orientation, we also observe Sivers asymmetry.  Sivers asymmetry the effect of quark orbital motion in nucleon measure

11 Event selection for muons

12 Event selction cont. for hadrons
z>0.2 for all hadrons for leading hadrons

13 Collins and Sivers asymmetries for all hadrons (2002-2004 data)
To be published in NPB hep-ex/ All hadrons (z>0.2) Collins asymmetry very small or compatible to zero Sivers asymmetry Black:Positive hadrons White: Negative hadrons

14 Collins and Sivers asymmetries for leading hadrons (2002-2004 data)
Leading hadrons (z>0.25) To be published in NPB hep-ex/ Collins asymmetry very small or compatible to zero Sivers asymmetry Black:Positive hadrons White: Negative hadrons

15 Collins, Sivers asymmetries
PID by RICH Collins, Sivers asymmetries All hadron z>0.2 Leading hadron z>0.25

16 Initial quark spin (Target spin)
(2) SSA in two hadron correlation Which angle we measure?  Trento conventions see hep-ph/ fS = azim. angle of inital quark spin fS’ = azim. angle of struck quark spin fS= p- fS’ (due to helicity conservation) ΦRS = φR - φS’ (= φR +φS- p) Initial quark spin (Target spin) Struck quark spin RT R=(z2P1T-z1P2T)/(z1 +z2) Ph=P1+P2 RT is the component of R Ph . fR = azimuthal angle of RT quark direction

17 Two hadrons correlation --the interference frgmentaion function--
spin independent part spin dependent part FF: z=z1+z2 also should be measured If the spin information of the struck quark propagates to the interference fragmentation function, we observe the following asymmetry. Transversity measure transverse spin transfer coefficient interference FF unknown at the moment

18 Event Selection-two hadron correlation-
For hadron in order to select the current fragmentation region zh > 0.1 (then zh1+ zh2>0.2) xfh > 0.1 For m same as others. exclusive r band K0 exclusive r cut r0 We choose one positve hadron and one negative hadron.

19 2-hadron asymmetry (2002-2004 data)
very small or compatible to zero

20 Leading + Sub-Leading hadron pairs selections
Other pairs and other combinations analysis Leading + Sub-Leading hadron pairs selections

21 (3) L polarimetry Struck quark spin Initial quark spin (Target spin)
Polarized fragmentation function describing the spin transfer from the quark to the final state L.

22 L polarimetry event selection

23 L polarizarion L polarizarion

24 3 Summary & Outlook transversity Next experiment
Collins and Sivers SSA shown data (to be published in NPB, hep-ex/ ) SSA in two hadron correlation shown data (preliminary) L polarization shown data (preliminary) asymmetries are small and compatible with zero. Why? Cancellation between proton and neutron ?   Many theoretical works have been done and are ongoing. Next experiment Muon program with transverse proton target will be going on in > complementary and comparable accuracy to deuteron data expected


26 x vs Q2 distribution

27 Comparison of COMPASS 2002 results with HERMES ones.
(COMPASS;deuteron, HERMES;proton) 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 x z x z Note:The sign of the original definition of HERMES is opposite.

28 Comparison of COMPASS 2003-2004 results with HERMES ones.

29 Collins and Sivers asymmetries for all hadrons (2002 final results)
PRL 94(2005)202002 All hadrons(z>0.2) 0.0 0.1 0.2 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 -0.2 -0.1 Collins asymmetry 0.0 0.1 0.2 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 -0.2 -0.1 Sivers asymmetry Black:Positive hadrons White: Negative hadrons

30 Collins and Sivers asymmetries for leading hadron (2002 final results)
PRL 94(2005)202002 Leading hadrons (z>0.25) 0.0 0.1 0.2 -0.2 -0.1 Collins asymmetry 0.0 0.1 0.2 -0.2 -0.1 Sivers asymmetry Black:Positive hadrons White: Negative hadrons

31 COMPASS Collaboration
More than 220 physicists from 30 Institutes Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn (ISKP & PI), Erlangen, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Mainz, München (LMU & TU) Дубна (LPP and LNP), Москва (INR, LPI, State University), Протвино CERN Helsinki Warsawa (SINS), Warsawa (TU) Nagoya/Chubu/Yamagata Miyazaki/KEK Saclay Praha Lisboa Torino (University,INFN), Trieste (University,INFN) Burdwan, Calcutta Tel Aviv

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