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Health Coach Corporate Wellness Specialist
Sabrina Gonder Health Coach Corporate Wellness Specialist I was born and raised in Spokane and have been in the health and wellness field for over 20 years. My passion for helping others has lead me on a continuous journey of learning.
My Education These are a few of the training programs I have taken to develop my health coaching and corporate wellness skills. I also offer many classes such as Trauma Release, Kombucha, Sugar Addiction and more.
Do You Love Your Body? Do you love your body? Maybe you’ve never asked yourself this question? So, I invite you to take a moment and ask yourself, do you love your body as it is right now? If not, would you consider liking or befriending your body just as it is right now?
Who Determines Your Happiness?
So, who determines whether or not you are happy with your body? Is it a spouse, friend, child, co-worker? Who is it? The good news it that YOU get to determine if you love your body or not. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.
Sources We get information about what our bodies “Should” look and be like from many sources: TV, internet, social media, family, friends, co-workers, etc. Without questioning what we believe believe to be true for us. How can that be right?
Ballpoint Pen If I hold this up and ask you what it is, most everyone will tell me that it’s a ballpoint pen or a pen. How can you know that’s correct? It’s because that’s what you were taught as a child, right?
Body Image Body image issues often start when we are children. It can be a comment that a family member made with no intention of shaping how you perceive yourself. Maybe a friend or someone on the playground when you were young said something that negatively impacted your body image. Words are so powerful and have the ability to mold, influence and affect people for a lifetime.
1940’s and 1950’s To Today Did you know that in the 1940’s and 1950’s a size 14 was considered attractive? Contrast that to today women in particular are trying to be as thin as possible and it’s negatively impacting their health and their life.
Small and Petite When I was young I was very small and petite however, when someone picked me up they would say, wow, you are solid as a rock. They’d then tell everyone around to pick me up to prove that they were right. It was like I was entertainment at a party. Sure, enough, everyone who picked me up agreed. “You don’t look that heavy they would say.” My young brain thought that being solid meant that I was fat or abnormally heavy and I didn’t want to be fat or heavy. I wanted to be light and skinny, certainly not solid like a rock! So, the person who picked me up and said I was solid was the person I believed when it came to my body. Was this right? Yes, no, maybe. Did it affect how I saw myself, yes. Now fortunately it didn’t cause me to deprive myself of food or to loathe my body but I do think it shaped the way I looked at myself through the filter of being solid. As I grew up I realized that being solid has its advantages. I do not break when I fall down, my solid and strong legs allw me to hold myself upright for long periods of times, I am strong for my size allowing me to lift and carry things that others cannot.
You Are Uniquely And Beautifully Made!
I have learned that the label of solid is actually a good thing and not one that I can or want to change. I’m also what many call vertically challenged. I’m 5’1” tall and if I live long enough I’ll start to shrink. 5’1” is short I’m told, is that true? There is nothing I could have done to grow taller and I believe God it just finished with some of us earlier than others:) We don’t all have the same challenges however, we all have challenges. It can be health, relationships, family, careers, etc. What are you believing about your challenges?
5 Ways to Love Your Body Stop Comparing Be Grateful Permission Notice
Nourish Your Body I’d like to give you 5 ways to love your body. There are more but let’s start with these 5.
Stop Comparing! Please stop comparing yourself to others. It robs you of all that you have to offer the world! Nobody can do you better than you can! You are beautifully and wonderfully made.
Be Grateful! Be grateful! Take time each day to find at LEAST one thing to be grateful for in terms of your body. Is it your ability to move, chew, talk, think, breathe, be in relationship, etc. What is it today that you are grateful for? What I have found is that when you start an attitude of gratitude, it grows and you begin to see more and more things to be thankful for. I encourage you to try it!
Permission Give yourself permission to LOVE your body! You do NOT need anyones approval to love the body you have right now today!
Notice Notice what you notice. Notice how wonderful your body truly is. Enjoy all the wonderful things it allows you to do. Something interesting about doing yoga which is a practice is one day your body might allow you to touch your toes and the next day you might only be able to reach your shins. Be ok with what your body will allow you to do each day.
Nourish Your Body As a health coach food and nutrition is always part of the health coaching process. Take really good care of your body, mind and spirit. Get plenty of good sleep, move your body,
Nourish Your Body Eat a healthy balanced diet,
Nourish Your Body Connect with people who you enjoy and who lift you up! Meditate and worship your way.
Permission Granted! Give yourself permission to love your body and don’t let anyone take that away from you!
Thank you for allowing me to share with you today and for considering loving your body!
Sabrina Gonder, CHHC, CMWA Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
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