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Introduction to Centennial Libraries & Information Sources

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Centennial Libraries & Information Sources"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Centennial Libraries & Information Sources
Pre-Apprenticeship - automotive M. Bent, Instructor - english L. Dobson, Ashtonbee campus librarian March 30 – Room C207

2 Libraries – at all 4 campuses
Ashtonbee Campus Room A-105 Progress Campus Centre for Creative Communications Campus Science & Technology Centre Campus

3 Hours for…

4 Centennial College Libraries
Libraries website address: Library resources will be used – and help available Virtual presence – our website

5 Bring your Student Card to the Library staff for “activation” (Library registration)

6 If you do not receive or purchase a student card…
Bring a copy of your timetable and one piece of photo identification to the Library Help Desk and we will activate your library account and issue a library card to you.

7 For assistance – Libraries website has help pages, tutoring services & contact info…

8 Ask the Library – contacts

9 Tutoring services & programs

10 Career Info for Students (a Guide)

11 Printing & Photocopying
Bookstore sells copicards: Computer Labs paper copicards ($1.50 minimum) Library plastic copicards ($2.00 minimum) Costs PRINTING – 5 cents / copy PHOTOCOPYING in the Library– 10 cents / copy (plastic copicards or money (coins) accepted - Change machine in the Library to add money to copicards) 6 Printing & photocopying

12 Some English language & writing books on the shelves…
Report writing Grammar Dictionaries English as a Second Language Resume writing etc

13 Some books on the shelves for Transportation students…
Service & repair manuals Technical books Test preparation

14 Look for books START YOUR RESEARCH on Library homepage…

15 Sample record – book on the shelf on automotive electronics

16 Sample record – book on the shelf - English language learning

17 Sample record – book on the shelf – on successful writing

18 You can also browse the shelves for books…

19 Not all books are on the shelf.
Example: e-books in the Library on job hunting (512 titles)

20 Look for books Google Books on the Internet…

21 Sample records – Google e-books on automobiles & the environment (669 titles)

22 Videos & DVDs in the Library…
c 1500 Transportation videos & DVDs (safety, technical) Educational & feature films Videos on Demand – 2 Transportation titles Most are listed in the library catalogue. Some can be viewed in the Library. Others can be taken home 12 #7: watch a video?

23 Look for videos & DVDs START YOUR RESEARCH on Library homepage…

24 E-resources (Library databases): (service & repair databases, electronic encyclopedias, e-newspaper & e-journal articles, etc) Centennial Libraries offers over 100 e-resources (also called “databases”) Logon required off campus Some available on campus only, some both on and off campus 24/7

25 Distance Access

26 library library

27 Some Transportation databases & CDs…
MitchellOnDemand5 (in library only) Motor Alldata (on campus only) Auto Repair Reference Centre (EBSCO) (campus & remote access) MitchellOnDemand5 Medium Truck (in library only) CDX (in library only) Business Source Complete Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety Etc. 18 E-resources

28 Smart Car Fourtwo service & repair info?

29 Look for articles & e-resources START YOUR RESEARCH on Library homepage…



32 Sample listings of Transportation databases held by the Library..

33 MitchellOndemand5 database (a Transportation database)

34 Sample record from a database that includes Transportation articles

35 Look for articles – Google Scholar START YOUR RESEARCH on Library homepage…

36 List of articles in Google Scholar on smart cars (over 56,000 records…

37 Look for websites on the Internet
Lots of information some good quality (e.g. unbiased, well researched) some poor quality (e.g. biased , badly researched) Remember….anyone can post information on the Internet

38 Trustworthy websites? 1. Authority (who provides the information?)
2. Accuracy (well researched information?) 3. Currency (up-to-date?) 4. Objectivity (unbiased, factual?) 38

39 Widener University “Evaluate Web Pages” tutorial

40 Library Assignment – Room A-105
Choose one task when we visit the Library: Find a book on automobile engines Find where the Transportation videos & DVDS are shelved Find a book on automotive electronic systems Find the Library’s photocopiers Find the Library’s printer

41 Centennial Libraries http://library. centennialcollege
Centennial Libraries Room A-105 – Ashtonbee Campus Library

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