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College and Career Readiness Elementary School

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1 College and Career Readiness Elementary School
UCLA College and Career Readiness Elementary School MODULE I PARENT, COMMUNITY AND STUDENT SERVICES


3 How do we become college and career ready?
College and Career Readiness

4 OBJECTIVES Understand the benefits of being college and career ready
Increase your knowledge of the A-G subject requirements Connect the elementary school academic subjects to the A-G requirements Use the College and Career Readiness Monitoring Tool to track your academic progress

5 Preschool to College and a Career
SUCCESSFUL CAREER ROAD MAP COLLEGE High School Middle School Preschool to College and a Career Elementary School PRESCHOOL

6 The Benefits

7 Increase Future Earnings
BENEFITS Acquire Knowledge Be Career Ready Increase Future Earnings Increase Network Secure a Better Future Widen Horizons

8 Income and Educational Attainment
Why graduate college and career ready? No High School Diploma Income and Educational Attainment $23,940 Doctor, Dentist Hospital Administrator Advance-Practice Nurse Physician Assistant Dental Hygienist Medical Assistant SOURCE: EDUCATION PAYS - THE BENEFITS OF HIGHER EDUCATION FOR INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETY

9 Let’s Review… Name three benefits of becoming college and career ready. T • P • S

10 Interesting Facts The majors with the best pay include Engineering, Economics and Physics. SOURCE: “THE BEST AND WORST COLLEGE DEGREES BY SALARY” CBS MONEY WATCH.COM

11 How do I prepare?

12 You must… Earn good grades Score high on tests
Attend school daily and on time Complete classwork and homework Participate in class Work hard and try harder

13 Let’s Review… Describe three actions you can take to be college and career ready. T • P • S

14 Interesting Facts Eight U.S. colleges and universities make up the “Ivy League”: Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton and Yale. SOURCE: LUCAS, CHRISTOPHER J  AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION: A HISTORY. NEW YORK: ST. MARTIN’S PRESS.

15 What are the A-G requirements?

16 A-G Requirements A sequence of high school courses that must be met in order to be admitted to a University in the UC (University of California) or CSU (California State University) system.

17 A G These courses will: prepare you to do well in college
help you improve your critical thinking skills expose you to diverse academic subjects G

18 “A-G” Minimum Requirements
A – History/Social Science 2 years B - English 4 years C - Math 3 years D – Lab Science E – Language Other Than English F – Visual and Performing Arts 1 years G – College Prep Elective “A-G” Minimum Requirements

19 More information about the A-G requirements

20 Let’s Review… What are the A-G requirements?
Which academic subject falls under requirement “A”? How many years of English are required? How many years of mathematics are required? What does LOTE stand for?

21 Interesting Facts “University” is a shortening of the Latin universitas magistrorum et scholarium or “a community of masters and scholars.” SOURCE: EDUCATION PAYS - LUCAS, CHRISTOPHER J  AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION: A HISTORY. NEW YORK: ST. MARTIN’S PRESS

22 Let’s Compare Elementary and High School Classes!

23 Mr. Moretti’s 3rd Grade Class
Daily Schedule Mr. Moretti’s 3rd Grade Class ROOM 23 8:00 – 9:00 am ELD/MELD 9:00 – 10:20 am English Language Arts 10:20 – 10:40 am RECESS 10:40 – 11:20 am English Language Arts 11:20 – 12:20 pm Mathematics 12:20 – 12:50 pm LUNCH 12:50 – 1:30 pm Social Studies/Science 1:30 – 2:10 pm Health/Art 2:10 – 2:30 pm Physical Education How many academic subjects are reflected on Mr. Moretti’s class schedule? Why is requirement “G” not reflected on this schedule? What connections can you make to your class schedule? b c a d f

24 *English Language Development
Elementary Subjects a c Social Studies English Language Arts b Mathematics f Science d Art *English Language Development Physical Education Health

25 *English Language Development
High School Subjects a c Mathematics History b English Lab Science d f Art *English Language Development Physical Education Health

26 Elementary and High School Subjects
Social Studies Mathematics English Language Arts History b English d f Art Science Lab Science *English Language Development Physical Education Health

27 Let’s Review… What is the high school equivalent to the elementary
subject Social Studies? subject English Language Arts? Are Physical Education and Health A-G requirements? Who takes English Language Development?

28 Interesting Facts Oberlin College was the first college to grant degrees to women in It was also the first college to grant a bachelor’s degree to an African-American woman in 1862. SOURCE: TURK, DIANA B  BOUND BY A MIGHTY VOW: SISTERHOOD AND WOMEN’S FRATERNITIES NEW YORK: NYU PRESS, 2004

29 Monitoring Tools

30 Use them to track your A-G progress!
Monitoring Tools Use them to track your A-G progress!

31 Input your grades for each academic area in the corresponding boxes.
Track your progress 2 Input your grades for each academic area in the corresponding boxes.

32 Let’s Practice!

33 Complete the information for each section
Track your progress 2nd Grade All year I was a play monitor during lunch. I made sure students followed our school’s rules. Play Monitor Complete the information for each section

34 Track your progress 2 2 3 3 2 Input your grades/scores in the corresponding boxes for each requirement.

35 4 2 Improve your grades! T • P • S
Are you earning the highest marks you can earn? Which areas do you need to improve? What can you do to improve? 2 4

36 Interesting Facts The first intercollegiate football game took place on November 6, Teams from Princeton University and Rutgers University met in New Brunswick, New York. Each team had 25 players. Rutgers won 6-4. SOURCE: LUCAS, CHRISTOPHER J  AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION: A HISTORY. NEW YORK: ST. MARTIN’S PRESS.

37 How do we become college and career ready?
College and Career Readiness

38 OBJECTIVES Understand the benefits of being college and career–ready Increase your knowledge of the A-G subject requirements Connect the elementary school academic subjects to the A-G requirements Use the College and Career Readiness Monitoring Tool to track your academic progress

39 Questions?


41 The Student Involvement, Development, and Empowerment Unit wishes you success as you prepare to be college and career ready.


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