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St Peter’s College Cranbourne Year Subject Selection

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1 St Peter’s College Cranbourne Year 9 2019 Subject Selection
Faith, Education & Service

2 The Year 9 Program Key considerations in the design of our Year 9 Program: Year 9 students must be enabled to take responsibility for tailoring their course of study within clear and reasonable guidelines. Some choice of electives enables students to explore which studies are most relevant to their educational and vocational needs. A series of minimal requirements must be established to ensure that students do not deny themselves access to future learning opportunities. When students are selecting their Year 9 elective subjects they need to think about the following: Which units are most relevant to my interests and intended career path? Which units will help me to build my skills and talents? Faith, Education & Service

3 Year 9 Program Overview Semester One Semester Two Religion English
Mathematics Science Humanities Health & PE LOTE Elective 1 Elective 3 Elective 2 Elective 4 Faith, Education & Service

4 Year 9 Program in detail Page 5 Curriculum handbook
Core Units These run for the full year Religious Education English Mathematics Humanities Health & Physical Education LOTE French or Japanese Science Pastoral Period Elective Units These run for one semester only, with four electives completed per year Elective 1 Elective 2 Periods per cycle 5 7 1

5 Year 9 Electives Page 6 Curriculum Handbook
Technology At least one of these must be chosen: Basic Construction Skills Fast Fashion Food Fundamentals Further Food Game On Introduction to Robotic Systems Product Design Web Publishing The Arts At least one of these must be chosen: Art and Photography Dance* Drama Music Visual Communication Design * This subject is not available to Cranbourne East students for 2019 due to resourcing issues

6 Year 10 Overview Core Units Elective Units Periods per cycle
These run for the full year: Religious Education or Youth Ministry English Mathematics Pastoral Period These run for one semester: Humanities Science (Life Science or Physical Science) Elective Units These run for one semester only, with four electives completed per year Elective 1 Elective 2 Note: these electives could include a VCE or VET unit. Periods per cycle 4 9 1

7 Year 10 Overview (cont.) From 2019, a Pre-CAL programme will be available to Year 10 students. Pre the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning. This will cater to St. Peter’s College students who may benefit from an early focus on employment skills. Designed for students who enjoy practical, hands-on learning. Students who undertake Pre-CAL are not locked into VCAL at Year 11 and may choose either VCAL or VCE.

8 Pathways – Year 10 and Beyond
VCE – Victorian Certificate of Education VCAL – Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning VET – Vocational Education & Training Sessions are running today which explain how each of these pathways operate. Information is also available in your Curriculum Handbook. Faith, Education & Service

9 Descriptions of Year 9 Core and Elective Subjects
These can be found in the Curriculum Handbook: Core Subjects – pages Elective Subjects – pages 57 – 66 It is important you read the descriptions of the elective subjects carefully to make the best choices for next year. If you are unsure about electives talk to your current subject teachers in that area or talk to your Learning Advisor.

10 Other details: Students who completed Literacy Development instead of LOTE in Year 8 will not be required to do LOTE in Year 9. These students will continue to receive Literacy Support instead of LOTE studies. This will take the form of a Foundation English class which will supplement their Core English studies. Mathematics enhancement and support will be available to students through their classroom teacher and also through the Mathematics Help classes running each Monday after school. At both campuses the eventual elective units which run in will be dependent on the number of enrolments in each subject. Faith, Education & Service

11 How to select your subjects
Subject selection will be done on-line using the “Web preferences” website. You will receive a personalised printed sheet which will have your individual student access code and password and instructions for how to complete your subject selection on-line. PLEASE DO NOT LOSE THIS SHEET

12 Web Preferences Access Guide 1

13 Web Preferences Access Guide 2

14 Web Preferences Access Guide 3

15 Web Preferences Access Guide 4

16 Subject Selection Process
Timeline: End of Term 2 – Curriculum Handbook distributed to students 17th July – Careers Session in Pastoral Care Period 24th July – Futures Expo 26th-31st July – Year 9 and 10 Subject Selection Interviews 3rd August – On-line Web Preferences closes – subjects must be entered by this date. This is also the final deadline for submitting signed “Print Receipts”. They are to be signed by student, parent and learning advisor. Late Term Four – Students notified of subjects they will be studying for Head Start/2018 Faith, Education & Service

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