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WaveBurst upgrade for S3 analysis

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1 WaveBurst upgrade for S3 analysis
S.Klimenko, I.Yakushin University of Florida Motivation Multi-resolution analysis Parameter space Summary S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 1

2 motivation Implementation of “original” WB algorithm
add analysis at multiple TF resolutions more flexible time shift analysis single and multiple detector options use different analysis environment: DMT+Condor make development cycle shorter simplify debugging, validation and testing reduce data processing time S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

3 Wavelet scalograms linear dyadic decomposition in basis {Yi(t)}
critically sampled DWT DfxDt=0.5 d4 d3 d2 d1 d0 a a. wavelet transform tree b. wavelet transform binary tree dyadic linear LP HP time-scale(frequency) spectrograms S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

4 representation of SG 850Hz
Wavelet Resolution representation of SG 850Hz with Symlet wavelet t=10 ms resolution 64 Hz X 1/128 sec optimal t=100 ms t=1 ms S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

5 Optimal Resolution run analysis in a range of TF resolutions t=10 ms
(rotation in larger space) t=10 ms 64 Hz X 1/128 sec optimal t=1 ms t=1 ms 256 Hz X 1/512 sec t=100 ms 8 Hz X 1/16 sec optimal optimal S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

6 WaveBurst multi-resolution analysis
wavelet tree Dt Df 2Dt Df/2 cover range of resolutions by selecting nodes from wavelet tree. select pixels with maximum excess power S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

7 Coverage of the parameter space
Signals with large TF volume ? for example windowed white noise. need multi-detector pipeline coherent excess power (model independent, implemented in WB) similarity of waveforms (r-statistics, can be model dependent) S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

8 signal/noise parameter space
“LIGO cheese”: fc, Df, Dt (Lazzarini, Sutton) Two-dimensional space: fc, V=Df x Dt A time series sample has volume rs/2 x 1/rs = 1/2 (rs sampling rate) 1 10 100 V f, Hz LIGO band sources noise S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

9 LIGO noise parameter space
S3pg White noise S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

10 ROC V=2 V=5 P=10% V=20 P=31% Burst signal with SNR 25: matched filter
S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

11 S2 rates S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

12 S2 efficiency for SG See Igor’s talk
S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

13 S3 vs S2 WB version v3 S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

14 S3 vs S2 WB version v5 S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

15 Summary & Plans WaveBurst upgrade Implemented multiple TF resolutions
Sensitivity improvement 20%-100% single and multiple detector options S3 playground studies (both v4 & v5 versions) sensitivity & rates noise non-stationarity resolve S3 analysis issues before next LSC Preparations for S4 S.Klimenko, August 2004, LSC, G Z 2

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