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Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence

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Presentation on theme: "Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence
Learning Together Event 16th May 2017 Plymouth University

2 Welcome Introductions - today’s FREDA event team Housekeeping
Impact of today’s learning FREDA philosophy

3 Be a Learner Engage in the Debate
FREDA philosophy Be a Learner Engage in the Debate Questionnaires for before

4 Analyse the complexities of your own and others’ identity
Engage in a learning and development process to help you to understand the history of racism and other forms of discrimination Examine how racism and other forms of discrimination are manifested and maintained in society today and explore the implications for your own practice Analyse the complexities of your own and others’ identity Core Philosophy: Be a Learner – Engage in the debate Consider how social justice and human rights are important for social work practice personally, locally, nationally and globally

5 Outline of Today Shafilea Ahmed’s story
Alexis Wright – contexts and perpetrator perspective Neil Day – the work of the Forced Marriage Unit Andree Ashmore – local authority safeguarding role Lunch Jasvinda Sanghera – recognising the signs Julie Paget and Vanessa Crosse – survivor perspective Race Equality Council Group discussion Evaluation

6 Shafilea Ahmed

7 Ending Violence against Women and Girls
Alexis Wright Njenni Enterprise

8 Forced Marriage Unit Neil Day

9 Local Safeguarding Adults Role
Andree Ashmore

10 The local picture: Devon and Cornwall Police Disclosure List
Reports of honour based violence or forced marriage the force dealt with between June 2014 and September 2015: Honour Based Violence Forced Marriage Incidents 16 3 Non Crime Enquiries 1 Incidents/crimes that had either a direct link or it was highlighted that there may be a potential risk of honour based violence or forced marriage have been included. Therefore the data cannot be taken as all of the crimes/incidents/non-crime enquiries have had a direct link to honour based violence or forced marriage.

11 Lunch

12 Jasvinder Sanghera- Fighting Forced Marriage and Honour Based Abuse
Jasvinder Sanghera is the founder of Karma Nirvana . We are going to show a dvd of her TED Talk. This we enable us to think about commonalities between national and local cases. Stop at for questions (after she says Nobody should have to be forced into marriage)

13 Questions to consider:
1. What signs were there that both young women were being pressurised into a forced marriage ? 2. At what point could agencies have intervened? 3. What should professionals avoid doing? 4. What could have been done to protect Shafilea? All do all or Ask each table to start with a different question and then if time do more? ? One question per table. Introduce REC – Julie Paget and Vanessa Crosse who will talk about their work in Plymouth with a victim of forced marriage.

14 Plymouth and Devon Race Equality Council
Julie Paget Survivor perspectives

15 Statutory guidance ‘One chance’ and ‘Clear the Schedule’ principles
The Right to Choose: Multi-agency Statutory Guidance for dealing with Forced Marriage (HM Government, 2014)

16 Group discussion Did you have any preconceptions about Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence? What were they? Have your attitudes towards Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence changed? How? Questionnaires for end of day

17 Action planning and evaluation
What worked well for you today? What will you do next? Please write your comments, anonymously, on separate post its and attach to your evaluation form. We will collate all feedback to inform our future Learning Together events. Thank you

18 Other Useful Resources
Adass: Forced Marriage & Adults with Learning Disability. Available from Forced Marriage and Learning Disabilities: Multi-agency Practice Guidelines HM Gov Forced Marriage Survivors Handbook Prosecution: Police report and short talk about an honour based killing (Man convicted after case of honour based violence in Leicester) Resolution:   Explanations & definitions, links to other organisations, contact numbers, also a Forced Marriage and HBV Screening Toolkit Rights of Women: Forced marriages and the law Right to Choose: the consequences of Forced Marriage (A scenario about forced marriage and honour based violence in a Pakistani family) Rubie's Story: Forced Marriages and Honour Based Abuse (Forced marriage victim talking about her experience)

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