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Community Event 9 November 2017.

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1 Community Event 9 November 2017

2 Summary of the event On 9 November 2017 we came together at 336 Brixton Road for a community event about Lambeth Together. The audience of 70 people included those from voluntary sector, NHS, council and many others. We asked: What did you like about what you heard and what are your comments and suggestions? Tell us about groups that can help with achieving our vision What will it be like if the culture has really changed? Do you want to help us?

3 What we like about Lambeth Together Questions and suggestions?
Your comments: Need more detail – bit vague Prioritise information and advice Need single point of contact for wellbeing Need learning and support for staff Wider council services, local businesses, small community groups, church and faith groups, schools – all contribute ‘De-medicalised’, don’t let some groups dominate Data and information sharing is key About citizens as well as patients; young people and those with language barriers Prototyping and people feed to develop and test Need uniformity across services Learn from past and elsewhere Invest in technology You said: Principles are great; no fault no blame Bringing things together Take care of staff All learning together Building on the good things already happening at local level But: Will it really happen this time? What will be different about this time? What about the money? Less talk, more action Questions and suggestions?

4 So many people and groups wanting to help!
Suggestions of groups and organisations Health Foundry Homelessness organisations Age UK Lambeth Churches and faith groups Sickle Cell Society Community Forums Lambeth Citizens (Citizens UK) Pharmacies and pharmacists London Soundbath Friends of various parks Incredible Edible Lambeth Community Connectors Wheels for Wellbeing Schools Independent Living and Carers Partnership Libraries, leisure and after school clubs So many people and groups wanting to help!

5 We will know the culture has changed when …
The community is where things happen “open meetings led by local leaders” “organisations work in the community” “community pharmacies as community hubs” “health walks from local surgeries” Co-production is real “Genuinely includes us at an early stage” “Staff involved in decision making … not top down” “truly ‘together’ in language and equality of conversation” “staff are listening” We will know the culture has changed when … We know (people and staff know about services, support and community activities) “all organisations – how they can help, what they do” “Accessible information and advice” “everybody knows where to go” “we all know about huge range of things people can access” “Who’s who” We feel treated as people and equals “Don’t have to allocate two hours to wait for appointment” “not one size fits all” “young people don’t fall through the cracks” “treated equitably regardless of disability” “whole wellbeing … not an illness” We can see the impact “flowers and fruit growing” “music – cooking – food – money – sports – young people” “workforce tell us its better!” “when this means something to me” “people are happier” “our words turned into REAL action” Services truly work together “One assessment is all that is needed” “Share information” “genuine partnership between statutory and voluntary sectors” “transparent” “Speak the same language” Summary and examples of comments

6 Sign up cards Lots of people signed up for updates and to be reviewers and testers ü ü ü


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