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Respiratory System BY DR. HEMANT UNE

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Presentation on theme: "Respiratory System BY DR. HEMANT UNE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiratory System BY DR. HEMANT UNE
Main structures Nose and nasal cavity Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchial tree Lungs

2 Conducting Zone Nose to bronchioles Conduct air Warm Moisten Cleanse

3 Respiratory zone Respiratory bronchioles Alveolar ducts Alveolar sacs
Respiration (=exchange of gases)

4 Nasal cavity External nares (nostrils) Nasal septum Mucous membrane
Posterior nasal aperture (internal nares)

5 Bones of the nasal cavity
Roof – ethmoid & sphenoid Floor – maxillary & palatine Nasal septum – ethmoid & vomer Lateral wall – ethmoid, inferior nasal concha, & palatine

6 Regions of the nasal cavity
Vestibule – skin Olfactory mucosa Receptors for smell Olfactory nerves through cribriform plate

7 Regions of the nasal cavity
Respiratory mucosa PSCC Goblet cells Mucous Antibacterial Traps dust, etc. Moistens air Transported by cilia

8 Pharynx Skeletal muscle tube Respiratory & digestive systems

9 Nasopharynx Posterior to nasal cavity PSCC – air only
Pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids) Auditory tube

10 Oropharynx Posterior to oral cavity Stratified squamous epithelium
Air & swallowed food Palatine tonsils Lingual tonsils

11 Laryngopharynx Posterior to larynx Stratified squamous epithelium
Air & swallowed food

12 Larynx C4-C6 vertebral levels Attached to hyoid Functions Speech
Air pathway Swallowing

13 Laryngeal cartilages Thyroid cartilage Cricoid cartilage Epiglottis

14 Vocal cords Vocal folds/cords = vocal ligaments covered by mucosa

15 Trachea Larynx to bronchi (C6-T7) Air passageway

16 Tracheal wall 16-21 C-shaped hyaline cartilage rings
Trachealis muscle (sm.mus.)

17 Tracheal wall PSCC Lamina propria Seromucous glands Cartilage

18 Bronchial tree 1 bronchi 2 bronchi 3 bronchi ~23 branches

19 Bronchioles <1 mm diameter Terminal bronchioles
Respiratory bronchioles Scattered alveoli

20 Alveolar ducts Continuous alveoli Atrium Leads to alveolar sacs

21 Alveolar wall Respiratory membrane Type I cell Basal lamina (shared)
Simple squamous epithelium Basal lamina (shared) Endothelium of capillary

22 Alveolar wall Type II cell Alveolar macrophages Secretes surfactant
Begins at birth Alveolar macrophages Dust cells

23 Pleura Serous membrane Parietal pleura Visceral pleura Pleural cavity
Lines thoracic cavity Visceral pleura Covers lungs Pleural cavity Pleural fluid Lubrication

24 Gross anatomy of the lungs
Apex Deep to clavicle Base On diaphragm Pneumothorax – air in pleural cavity

25 Gross anatomy of the lungs
Costal surface Next to rib cage Mediastinal surface Medial Hilus

26 Blood supply to the lungs
Pulmonary arteries Deoxygenated blood from R ventricle Pulmonary veins Oxygenated blood to L atrium R L

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